产地:中国 是否进口:否 级别:基准试剂 用途类别:基准试剂 含量:/ 产品规格:500ml(c(1/2H2SO4)=0.01mol/L),1000ml(c(1/2H2SO4)=0.01mol/L,500ml(c(1/2H2SO4)=0.02mol/L),1000ml(c(1/2H2SO4)=0.02mol/L),500ml(c(1/2H2SO4)=0.05mol/L),1000ml(c(1/2H2SO4)=0.05mol/L),500ml(c(...
Mass fraction H2SO4 Density (kg/L) Concentration (mol/L) Common name <29% 1.00-1.25 <4.2 diluted sulfuric acid 29-32% 1.25-1.28 4.2-5.0 battery acid (used in lead-acid batteries) 62-70% 1.52-1.60 9.6-11.5 chamber acid fertili...
Product Name: Sulfuric AcidMolecular Formula: H2SO4 UN No.: 1830 HS No.:2807000010 CAS No. :7664-93-9 EINECS No:231-639-5 Hazard Class: 8 Purity:32%-98% Appearance: Transparent Colorless Liquid Product standard Item Reagent Grade Battery Grade Industrial Grade H2SO4 content ...
Mass fraction H2SO4 Density (kg/L) Concentration (mol/L) Common name <29% 1.00-1.25 <4.2 diluted sulfuric acid 29-32% 1.25-1.28 4.2-5.0 battery acid (used in lead-acid batteries) 62-70% 1.52-1.60 9.6-11.5 chamber acid fertilizer acid 78-80% 1.70-...
The group had thirteen mem-bers and several associates who started to promulgate their ideas througha magazine of the same name, The Blue Horns (1916) and became a lead-ing force in Georgian culture. Although a number of other writers, notbelonging to the group, also contributed significantly...
Product Name: Sulfuric AcidMolecular Formula: H2SO4 UN No.: 1830 HS No.:2807000010 CAS No. :7664-93-9 EINECS No:231-639-5 Hazard Class: 8 Purity:32%-98% Appearance: Transparent Colorless Liquid Product standard Item Reagent Grade Battery Grade Industrial Grade H2SO4 content %...
产地:青岛 是否进口:否 订货号:MD4X51 加工定制:否 货号:MD4X51 品牌:LOOBO 型号:LB-MD4X 测量范围:0-10、100、1000、5000ppm 测量对象:硫酸雾 测量精度:≤±2% 尺寸:210×170×85 重量:1.8 电源:24V,2.1A 是否跨境出口专供货源:否 规格:硫酸雾检测仪,流通式接头,声光报警器 防护等级:IP66 防水溅和短...
上游原料 下游产品硫酸雾标准溶液/以(H2SO4)计 生产厂家 全球有 1家供应商 硫酸雾标准溶液/以(H2SO4)计国内生产厂家 供应商联系电话电子邮件国家产品数优势度 探索平台 400-111-6333 180830201name@qq.com 中国 9730 58 硫酸雾标准溶液/以(H2SO4)计 相关搜索: 硫酸雾标准溶液/以(H2SO4)计 Copyright...
Certification of Analysis 国药集团化学试剂有限公司 技 术 条 件 Specification 优级纯 GR 无色透明油状液体 性状 Character:H2SO4=98.08 500ml Sulfuric acid 上海市宁波路52号 合格 To pass test 结论 Conclusion 名称Name 包装 Packing:S i n o p h a r m C h e m i c a l R r a ...
Product name FRP tank & chemical equipment Material Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic Color Customized Colors Feature Corrosion Resistance Keywords FRP GRP Shape Customized Shape Advantage High Chemical Corrosion Resistant OEM OEM Service •FGD flue gas de...