I am not surprised to see H1Z1 go F2P, as it has lost a staggering amount of players over the past year.Public Steam numbersshow H1Z1's highest concurrent player count was around 150,000 in July 2017, making it one of the most populous games on Steam, but it has dropped massively. O...
Probably not. One thing that is difficult for us and server distribution is that to keep large scale matches firing up really rapidily we need a pretty high player count to sustain it. When population drops the experience suffers, so I am hesitant to split that population up more than we ...
Pacing of the gas circles and player count. The timing and pacing of the match still seems to not be working quite right. I play mostly doubles, and although we are Royalty, it is pretty challenging to get more than 12 kills in a game. We usually end up between 2-4 kills in the i...
Fort Destiny leaderboards are not fully functioning yet and may not be ready for the Live update.Occasionally, the airdrop plane is missing its audioEnd Screen UI does not appear if the player wins with their Inventory openRemote Bullet trails are not visible from certain anglesBullet trails ...
Fixed a server crash that would disconnect all players in a match when it occurred. Just a reminder that during the Live server downtime, the NA, EU and APAC Public Test servers will be open for everyone.
We have talked about a reward system where your play on Test could count towards your Live progression, but that is pretty far down the priority list to be honest. We are using the different giveaways as a fun way to do something a little different in the game. ...
patch notes have been updated to include BOTH additional bug fixes that made it into this update, as well as a hotfix going out this afternoon to fix several new live issues that occurred post-update (including the missing in-game Leaderboards and the incorrect Battle Pass season countdown ...
Yes, we will be adding a ping count to the in game hud, that is being worked on right now. We may add more information, but are going to start with ping. Yes, we think it is too slow in the beginning. Would like to see it get moving faster at the beginning of the game, also...
Doors: One of the more difficult bugs on our list that we are trying to track down is where a door may appear open for one player, but closed for another. Some good fixes to get out and I am excited about how using the Test Servers differently will help our live stability....