美国公民及移民服务局于2024年4月1日宣布,我们在初始登记期间收到足够的电子登记,以达到2025财政年度(FY)H-1B数值分配(H-1B配额),包括高级学位豁免(advanced degree exemption),也称为硕士配额(master’s cap)。我们选择了114,017名受益人,在2025财政年度H-1B配额的初始选择中共选择了120,603个注册...
H1B First Round Lottery FY 2024: USCIS said they conducted the first round H1B lottery for properly submitted H1B registration for FY 2024 cap for both regular and advanced degrees (masters) cap. Only those applicants selected in that first round were eligible to file the H1B petitions between ...
Most of the applicants, whose details were submitted for H1B registrations would be curious to know the results of the H1B Lottery. When the employers submit H1B Registration, the system generated something called a “Beneficiary Confirmation Number”, which is a 16-digit alphanumeric number and i...
The USCIS fiscal year starts on October 1 each year, which is when employment in cap-subject H1B visa roles can begin. The application cycle for each fiscal year starts in March with the initial registration phase. As the H1B visa cap window opens in April, the corresponding employment should...
美国公司需要在移民局官网完成网上电子注册(electronic registration process),才有资格参加移民局的H-1B电脑随机抽签,只有中签的网上注册才能递交H-1B申请包裹。 H-1B的抽签顺序是:本科和研究生及以上学历一起抽取65,000个名额,拥有研究生及以上学历的未中签者再单...
the period, which has historically been inthe third week of March. While the H-1B registration has streamlined the lottery portion of the process, it is prudent for employers to review pertinent SOC classifications for the job offered, prevailing wages, and eligibility for the Maste...
H1BAbuse新进展!已展开大规模调查 | USCIS在Twitter上发的最新公告: USCIS is committed to preventing abuse of the H-1B registration process, by undertaking extensive fraud investigations and referrals for criminal prosecution. Only those who follow the law are eligible to file an H-1B cap petition...
此外,关于此前提案中提到的延长当年抽中H1B的F1们的cap-gap时长、扩大免抽签类H1B的适用范围、修改“专业职位”定义等改革内容,不会在这次改革政策中继续推进! 要知道,在这次新政之前,美国移民局对于H1B抽签的规定是:每一份注册(registration)都能参加抽签。