美国东部时间4月30日,美国移民局(USCIS)正式发布2025财年H1B抽签完成通知。 截图自USCIS官网 简单总结,2025H1B抽签情况如下: 总计注册了479,953份H-1B; 有效注册数为470,342份; 总中签数为120,603; 总中签率为25.64%; 共计423,028个受益人只注册了...
本次注册未中签,不可以提交后续材料; “Denied– duplicate registration”: 表示同一注册人或其代表同一受益人提交了多份注册; 如因重复注册遭拒,则同一注册人或其代表同一受益人在本财政年内提交的所有注册均无效; “Invalidated-Failed Payment”: 表示提交了注册,但支付方式遭拒、未对账、有争议或其他无效“Deleted...
❌ Denied– Duplicate Registration:表示同一注册人或其代表同一受益人提交了多份注册。若因此遭拒,该注册人或其代表在本财政年内提交的所有注册均无效。❌ Invalidated-Failed Payment:表示注册提交,但支付方式遭拒、未对账、有争议或其他无效。❌ Deleted:提交的注册已被删除,不再有资格入选。❓ Processing...
❌ Not Selected:本次注册未中签,不可提交后续材料。 ❌ Denied– Duplicate Registration:表示同一注册人或其代表同一受益人提交了多份注册。若因此遭拒,该注册人或其代表在本财政年内提交的所有注册均无效。 ❌ Invalidated-Failed Payment:表示注册提交,但支付方式遭拒、未对账、有争议或其他无效。 ❌ Deleted...
❌ Not Selected:本次注册未中签,不可提交后续材料。 ❌ Denied– Duplicate Registration:表示同一注册人或其代表同一受益人提交了多份注册。若因此遭拒,该注册人或其代表在本财政年内提交的所有注册均无效。 ❌ Invalidated-Failed Payment:表...
1. What is the H1B Registration Process? 2. H1B Registration Fee 3. Steps in H1B Registration Process from Submission to Approval 4. What is H1B Registration Online System? What to submit? 5. Steps, Process with H1B Registration Tool 6. H1B Registration 2025 Dates, Timeline 7. History...
12.H1B 2024 Registration Lottery Results, Timeline 13.Will there be H1B Lottery Second Round for FY 2024 Season? Background: What is H1B Lottery, Why does it happen? If you are new to the H1B visa process, it can be overwhelming to hear the terms lottery, quota, ...
“Denied– duplicate registration”: 表示同一注册人或其代表同一受益人提交了多份注册; 如因重复注册遭拒,则同一注册人或其代表同一受益人在本财政年内提交的所有注册均无效; “Invalidated-Failed Payment”: 表示提交了注册,但支付方式遭拒、未对账、有争议或其他无效“Deleted...
The only option to check the H1B lottery result is to login as the employer, who submitted the H1B registration and then check the status. Employers get a notification indicating the change to the h1B registration, after that they can login and check the H1B registration status online. It loo...
Changes to the H1B Registration Text –Less H1BRegistrations If you look at all the factors, most of the factors weigh in that there will be more H1B registrations this year. Even though we are not done with the COVID pandemic, many of the macroeconomic factors are going in the positive ...