GWDG enables university researchers and Max Planck Society scientists to conduct groundbreaking studies across a broad range of subjects, from genomics to the humanities, studies which nearly double storage needs each year. “Next-generation sequencing, for example, produces huge amounts of data,” sa...
GWDG,即"Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen"的缩写,中文译为“Göttingen科学数据处理公司”。这个缩写词在国际交流和科技领域中广泛使用,代表着一家专注于科学数据处理的德国公司。其全称的中文拼音为“gě shì huì fó wù shí kuān shù jiù chūn ...
The GWDG therefore sees the integration of ONLYOFFICE in ownCloud as a great opportunity to solve the problem of synchronization conflicts in the long term, since collaboration software such as ONLYOFFICE addresses the problem of synchronization in a targeted manner: ONLYOFFICE enables a document to ...
The cooperation between ownCloud and ONLYOFFICE does not only benefit the users of the GWDG and the Academic Cloud; through the technical cooperation, ownCloud administrators can install the ONLYOFFICE Integration App with just a few clicks and add the app to their cloud via the ownCloud Marketpl...
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接近开关XL-GWDG-30DA-15 室内15mm 两线制 高温环境 价格 ¥ 860.00 ¥ 750.00 起订数 2只起批 10只起批 发货地 湖北黄冈 商品类型 电工电气 、 开关 、 接近开关 商品关键词 耐高温接近开关、 接近传感器、 位置控制开关、 行程开关、 限位开关 ...