Crosstalk between the gut microbiota and the host has attracted considerable attention owing to its involvement in diverse diseases. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is commonly associated with hypertension and is characterized by immune dysregulation, metab
The nervous system of the digestive tract, enteric nervous system (ENS), regulates digestive functions and shares several similarities with the brain, especially regarding the main principles of development and function. The ENS and brain are particularly sensitive to the intestinal microbiota, which ...
In this Review, we discuss emerging and exciting evidence of intricate and crucial connections between the gut microbiota and the brain involving multiple biological systems, and possible contributions by the gut microbiota to neurological disorders. Continued advances from this frontier of biomedicine may...
1.Collins SM, Surette M, Bercik P: The interplay between the intestinal microbiota and the brain. Nat Rev Microbiol 2012, 10:735-742. 2. Yano JM, Yu K, Donaldson GP, Shastri GG, Ann P, Ma L, Nagler CR, Ismagilov RF, Mazmanian SK, Hsiao EY: Indigenous bacteria from the gut micro...
gutmicrobiota-brainaxis肠道微生物-脑轴 系统标签: microbiotagutaxisbrain微生物肠道 ChineseMedicalJournal¦October5,2016¦Volume129¦Issue192373 ReviewArticle IntroductIon Thelatestresearchshowedthatchangesingutmicrobiota couldaffectthebrain’sphysiological,behavioral,and cognitivefunctions. [1‑5] In2013,the...
原名:Involvement of the microbiota-gut-brain axis inchronic restraint stress: disturbances of the kynurenine metabolic pathway inboth the gut and brain 译名:菌群-肠脑轴参与慢性束缚应激:肠和脑中犬尿氨酸代谢途径的紊乱 期刊:Gut Microbes IF:7.74 ...
The structural analogies and the communication pathways resulting in close interactions between the gut and brain are likely the basis for a mirrored modulation of these two organs by the gut microbiota. These discoveries open new avenues for the prevention and/or treatment of several digestive and ...
该小肽通过靶向“菌肠脑轴”(microbiota-gut-brain axis),刺激肠道上皮细胞产生更多厌食激素(尿鸟苷素,UGN),并促进下丘脑中具有抑食效应的POMC神经元活动增强,降低动物摄食量;此外,该小肽还可以显著改善肠道菌群平衡,提高嗜黏蛋白阿克曼氏菌(Akkermansia muciniphila)丰度。首先,研究人员从人体体液防御素...
TLRs have also been found in the brain, especially in the microglia, and have been indicated in the development of AD. In this review, we summarized the relationship between microbiota-gut-brain axis and AD, as well as the complex role of TLRs in AD. Intervention of the gut microbiota or...
The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis and Alzheimer Disease. From Dysbiosis to Neurodegeneration: Focus on the Central Nervous System Glial Cells. The microbiota–gut system can be thought of as a single unit that interacts with the brain via the "two-way" microbiota–gut–brain axis. Through this axi...