得益于大量的努力和组学分析的进步,科学界正逐渐走向个性化医疗,微生物群落时代显然是未来医学和营养方法范式转变的重要组成部分。参考文献de Vos WM, Tilg H, Van Hul M, et al. Gut microbiome and health: mechanistic insights. Gut. 2022 May;71(5):1020-1032. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-326789.往期...
广义地说,这些菌群以黏液降解菌群开始,通常以黏液溶解和微需氧的嗜粘菌阿克曼氏菌(Akkermansia muciniphila)为主,以严格的厌氧菌群结束,包括产生丁酸盐和产生丙酸的瘤胃球菌科、毛螺菌科和拟杆菌,以及分别将氢和二氧化碳转化为乙酸或甲烷的同生乙酸菌和产甲烷菌。 ▲THE GUT MICROBIOME AND VARIOUS INTESTINAL AND EXT...
广义地说,这些菌群以黏液降解菌群开始,通常以黏液溶解和微需氧的嗜粘菌阿克曼氏菌(Akkermansia muciniphila)为主,以严格的厌氧菌群结束,包括产生丁酸盐和产生丙酸的瘤胃球菌科、毛螺菌科和拟杆菌,以及分别将氢和二氧化碳转化为乙酸或甲烷的同生乙酸菌和产甲烷菌。 ▲THE GUT MICROBIOME AND VARIOUS INTESTINAL AND EXT...
We find multiple associations between SVs and host disease risk factors, many of which replicate in an independent cohort. Exploring genes that are clustered in the same SV, we uncover several possible mechanistic links between the microbiome and its host, including a region in Anaerostipes hadrus...
the microbiome and the systemic and faecal metabolic environments. Introduction The human gut is home to trillions of microbes that form a complex community referred to as the gut microbiota. The metabolic activity of the gut microbiota is essential in maintaining host homoeostasis and health, as ...
tion and dynamics of the microbiome and the expression patterns of host genes is revealing how the functions of the microbial community can influence the host 6 and, conversely, how host genetics shape the composition 1 Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts...
The effect of microbes on their human host is often mediated through changes in metabolite concentrations. As such, multiple tools have been proposed to predict metabolite concentrations from microbial taxa frequencies. Such tools typically fail to captu
The gut microbiome is closely associated with health status, and any microbiota dysbiosis could considerably impact the host’s health. In addition, many active consortium projects have generated many reference datasets available for large-scale retrospe
diseases and disorders. In this Review, we discuss technological and computational approaches for investigating the microbiome, as well as recent advances in our understanding of host immunity and microbial mutualism with a focus on specific microbial metabolites, bacterial components and the immune ...
Introduction to host microbiome symbiosis in health and disease Article 09 December 2020 Introduction The gut microbiota has been a topic of immense interest over the last years, as its composition and diversity seem to be intimately linked to health and disease1. Modulation of the microbiota by...