大悲咒梵音唱诵 安定心神 常得顺遂的宇宙法門 1小時真诚祈愿版佛曲 The Great Compassion Mantra 疗愈音乐 01:02:10 敬誦《南无弥勒佛》 1小時灵修音乐 愿众生笑口常开 美好与温暖如约而至 悦耳动听 Devotional Music Buddhist Classics 01:00:26 南无地藏王菩萨圣号 救度身心的永恒依靠 1小時 溫和轻快版单曲...
The duo on the song left no stone unturned as their soothing voices synchronized with an easy to grasp verse and an attention-calling hook to match. Nana Agyemang as he’s popularly known in the music circles is one of the few highlife gems who held the mantra for the said genre in t...
Thomas Ashley Farrand (“Healing Mantras”). Her work with this ancient form of music that many have termed “sacred music” along with her continued desire to bring the worlds of popular music together has made collaborating with Rick Hahn a compelling...