八名普密陀罗尼咒 _梵文 21遍(此咒殊胜非常 遇见即是有福之人) 事业易成_ 咒力始终无损Sanskrit Chanting _ 22:11 摩利支天心咒 菩萨【强大保护】具大光明 安定身心Mantra Hati Marici Boddhisattva 01:01:34 七佛灭罪真言 早晚誦此咒可消除重罪Sapta Jina Bhasitam Papa 07:07 般若波罗蜜多心经 净心...
所属专辑:Mantra Chanting 瑜伽唱颂 曼陀罗唱颂 心咒 真言 梵呗唱颂 平衡脉轮-最佳瑜伽冥想 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 这是一个自我疗愈,谦恭的,放松的,保护的,释放情绪的曼陀罗。呼唤Guru Ram Das谦卑的精神和恩泽。Guru曼陀罗是一个Ashtang曼陀罗。Ashtang曼陀罗由八个部分组成。它们促发昆达利尼能量通过自己的努力和...
Meditation Mantras Guru - Om Chanting 专辑: Holy Meditation Shrine: Music for Meditation, The State of Samadhi, Sacred Mantra, Om Chanting 歌手:Meditation Mantras Guru还没有歌词哦Meditation Mantras Guru - Om Chanting / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Om Chanting Meditation Mantras ...
Heartflowdoesn’t require prior experience with kirtan or mantra chanting. Kaur’s inviting vocals and the album’s overall warmth create a space for listeners of all backgrounds to connect with the deeper yearnings of their soul. A Focus on Inner Exploration: ...
Chanting Garden专辑:Guru Mantra Chant流派:流行 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 作曲:Chanting Garden 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Sri Krishna Govinda ChantChanting Garden MahaMrityunjaye MantraChanting Garden Ganesha Mantra ChantingChanting Garden Gayatri Mantra ChantChanting Garden Hare Ram Hare KrishnaChanting Gar...
专辑:Om Namo Gurudev Namo || Kripa Ram Joshi Live Mantra Chanting - Live流派:民谣 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 作曲:Kripa Ram Joshi 作词:Kripa Ram Joshi 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Prabhujee Daya Karo || Kripa Ram Joshi || Amit JoshiKripa Ram Joshi Devotion Music Shri Ram Jay Jay Ram By Kripa...
专辑:Hari Om Tatsat Jai Guru Datta (Mahamantra Chanting)流派: 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 作词:Punitachariji Maharaj 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Anahad Baja BajeyGirnar Sadhana Ashram,Aditya Gadhvi Hari Om Tatsat Jai Guru Datta | Dhun | Dattatreya Mantra Chating - Mihiranga Abeysekara RemixGirnar ...
His teachings, expressed through devotional hymns commonly known as shabads, many of which still survive, stress liberation (mukti) from rebirth through meditation (simran) and chanting of the divine name. He is credited with the creation of the Mool Mantar (“root mantra”), which is an ...