who presided over these proceedings, ruled at the Scheduling Conference that the evidence I had compiled was not relevant to the truthfulness or the accuracy of the death certificate that was in question, which, of course, from a logical point of view, was simply absurd: How could proof that...
My position is that of the man in the middle; ever since beginning work on Gun People, I have been exposed to the arguments of both sides on a daily basis, and have become uniquely familiar with their ins and outs, and also their broader characteristics. Given that, it seems to me tha...
have been identified as a workplace environment with specific safety susceptibilities.23 More often than not, providing these protections to employ- ees results in additional regulations and obligations placed on employers, and frequently increases the potential liability to which employers are exposed. ...
Bandit 5 reporting from second foto recce mission. Went today to the Technical Museum. Found some items, presented below. hope there aren't too many pictures to get a ban. The IOR made gunsight of the IAR 80 was not there. At least not exposed. BUT! BUT... ...