Canfirearm Gun Shop is a firearm, ammunition and shooting supplies retail store in Ontario. We serve firearm enthusiasts in Canada.
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GUN AVAILABILITY AND USE OF GUNS FOR MURDER AND SUICIDE IN CANADAMeasures the availability of guns in Canada. Accidental death rates caused by the use of guns; Percentage of suicide using guns; Investigation of the suicide rates.LesterDavid...
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“Pistols . . . come with their own strict set of rules. So there’s no Canadians stashing them in their purses or glove compartments . . . But perhaps most importantly Canadians generally don’t see guns as weapons . . . No more than five percent of Canadian gun owners say they keep...
Trudeau said his government recognizes the vast majority of Canadians who own guns are responsible but the level of gun violence is unacceptable. Mendicino said they are aware the announcement could lead to a rush to buy guns before the law is enacted and urged Parliament to pass it as soon...
Airsoft Canada's trusted store is just one click away. Check our new arrivals and gear up with the airsoft guns, rifles & pistols Canada can't get enough of!
The proposed confiscation law would be so much more than just a gun grab. It would also give municipalities the option of enacting their own local ban on handguns. Some local laws might not go that far. Local laws might only regulate home storage of handguns, requiring them to be stored...
Shells were falling, machine guns were firing, and horses were whinnying as the final cavalry charge of the Great War on the Western Front took place at Moreuil Wood. The line had broken, and Field Marshal Douglas Haig called for the Canadian Cavalry Brigade—specifically the Lord Strathcona’...
Luik, John