Unfortunately, patients often focus on teeth ahead of gums when it comes to oral health and may not always act on symptoms of gum disease.143% of people ignore or put up with their symptoms.4In addition, they can fail to associate them with the condition and can create myths to rationalis...
A new report has revealed that the number of people affected by tooth decay and gum disease is having a widespread and devastating impact not only on patients mouths but also on their general health and wellbeing, particularly in the older population. The study, led by an international team o...
Are your gums tender or bleeding? Learn about the causes, treatments, and preventative measures for periodontal disease in this detailed guide.
given what researchers are learning about the impact of gum disease on a person's overall health, and how, in many cases, a person's health is reflected in the condition of the mouth.A periodontal number tells the health, or lack of it, of each tooth tested by a probe in a dentist'...
They are the main reason for adult tooth loss, which causes chewing problems and affects nutrition, quality of life, and self-esteem. Gum diseases are also linked with increased risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and other serious, chronic ...
Did you know that gum disease (periodontitis) is the most common disease in the United States? Get the facts and learn about gum disease treatment here.
The early stages of gum disease can often be reversed with proper brushing and flossing. Good oral health will help keep plaque from building up. A professional cleaning by your dentist or hygienist is the only way to remove plaque that has built up and hardened into tartar. Your dentist or...
While periodontal diseases may be confined to the mouth, their effect may not be: research is beginning to uncover a relationship between periodontal health and general health. Known risk factors for periodontal disease include smoking and diabetes. Evidence is also suggesting a relationship between ...
How can gum disease affect the health of other parts of the body? One connection is via harmful bacteria, which can travel between the mouth, bloodstream and lungs, potentially causing diseases in those areas. But beyond the bacteria themselves, a common thread among many systemic conditions is...
All the usual general health advice applies here. Smoking makes gum disease worse and harder to treat. And a good diet and exercise regime reduces low-level chronic inflammation, which is bad for your gums and your brain. It may be no coincidence thatgeneral physical ill-health...