Netflix上映了「冥想正念指南」(Guide to Meditation),第一季共8集,摘要如下。 冥想增進意識控制能力(mindfulness),讓你看待事情時可以暫停、跳出自己的立場,用更彈性的角度去應對。炎炎夏日中,你很想吃的冰淇淋在你面前融化了,你不一定要煩躁不安,可以練習「察覺」(noting),就是知悉這件事了,但不讓這件事直接成...
How to do mindfulness meditation properly Mindfulness is a form of meditation that allows your mind to focus on the present. The goal is to achieve a mind that is calm, stable and through this practice, you can develop the mind’s strength and harmony. Mindfulness produces a mind that is ...
简单冥想术 激活你的潜在创造力 英文原版 The Headspace Guide to Mindfulness & Meditation 英文版进口原版英语书籍 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 参数版本; 页数 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 ...
Heart Chakra Meditation: Powerful Technique to Heal and Open Anahata Throat Chakra Meditation: Powerful Technique to Unblock and Balance Visuddha Third Eye Chakra Meditation: Powerful Tips to Open the Ajna Center Crown Chakra Meditation: Powerful Techniques for Healing and Balancing ...
breath. Mindfulness meditation encourages people to allow their minds to be curious, but try to avoid judging or interrogating the thoughts that come into your head and simply observe them without reacting. If you find your mind wandering, it’s time to bring your attention back to your breath...
Accessible and portable, The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness offers simple but powerful meditation techniques that positively impact every area of physical and mental health: from productivity and focus, to stress and anxiety relief, sleep, weight-loss, personal relationships...the benefits...
最早认真开始考虑冥想源于 Ray Dalio 在微博上的推荐,当时我询问他有没有什么书籍推荐,结果他推荐的《Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation》与其说是一本冥想教程,不如说是一本宣传手册,我甚至在 Goodreads 上将其标注为 Boring。不过这段交流让我开始对冥想有了全新的认识,于是上网又看了...
University. Classical mindfulness meditation labels certain thoughts as “nonvirtuous” and seeks to abandon them. When practicing mindfulness, “You’re trying to recognize that the nature of experience is mind itself,” says Dunne. “For that reason, you are not trying to judge it as good or...
Accessible and portable, The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness offers simple but powerful meditation techniques that positively impact every area of physical and mental health: from productivity and focus, to stress and anxiety relief, sleep, weight-loss, personal relationships...the benefits...
of stress and negative attitudes. You should expect to notice gains in both your physical and mental health if you combine meditation with mindfulness, physical activity, and a nutritious diet. Furthermore, mind-body andmeditative techniquescan aid in the reduction of stress and negative attitudes....