Welcome to the WoW Classic Era Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros guide! This guide will teach you all you have to know about the legendary mace of Ragnaros, how it can be attained, and what steps you must follow on your epic journey of crafting one of the most
Entrance: Icecrown Citadel Bosses: Ick & Krick, Forgemaster Garfrost, and Scourge Lord Tyrannus Loot table:Garfrost’s Two-Ton Hammer, Unspeakable Secret, Polished Mirror Helm, Flayer’s Black Belt, Ice-Steeped Sandals, Ring of Carnelian and Bone, Krick’s Beetle Stabber, Bent Gold Belt, Sca...
Unstable Arcanocrystal(world boss) — Really, really good. The 860 version is about on par with 890-900 Nighthold trinkets. If this titanforges, consider yourself extremely lucky. Dungeon trinkets: Aran’s Relaxing Ruby— Recently nerfed in 7.1.5, but still pretty decent in dungeons. Not re...