World of Warcraft Classic has several dungeons and raids for you and a group of mighty adventurers to clear and defeat. Some dungeons only require you to reach a certain level to enter, but some of them require you to complete a quest or set of tasks to
If you’re looking for the latest guides, tips, news, and updates for WoW Classic, PlayerAuctions will have it. We put out all the highest quality content for WoW Classic in one place.
WoW Classic Guides WoW Classic TBC Guide RéstédXP Era | Classic | Retail If this is your first visit, be sure to check out theFAQ. You have toregisterbefore you can post. Almost all ads disappear when you login. Shout-Out Buy Shout-Out ...
If you’re looking to make money, a few Engineering itemscan be sold for a decent profitthanks toWaylaid Supply Boxes, including Rough Boomstick, Rough Copper Bomb, Ornate Spyglass, and Bronze Bomb. How to level Engineering inWoW ClassicSoD The King of Gnomes who is also an Engineer. Scree...
Best Tailoring recipes forWoW ClassicSoD The Tailoring profession has a lot of solid pre-raid gear you can turn into an advantage when completing high-end content like the Blackfathom Deeps raid, as well as phase one’s endgame dungeons like Shadowfang Keep and the Stockades. We recommend ...
Skinning is a very popular and useful profession in WoW Classic. While leveling, it is very convenient to pick up gathering professions, since they do not require much time to level. With Skinning, you will be able to skin what you kill. ...
All Alchemy Recipes inWoWSoD Make all the potions you need. Screengrab via Blizzard Entertainment As future phases forWorld of Warcraft ClassicSeason of Discovery release, we can expect the list of alchemy recipes to increase. Given that Season of Discovery seeks to re-imagine the vanillaWorld ...
Our Classic guide section has been updated with the Mage guide, bringing the total amount of our Classic guides up to four. The guide covers everything you need to know about Mages in WoW Classic, including leveling build recommendations, guides for raid
With the launch of WoW Classic Fresh, not only beginners but also experienced players should remember about useful addons, as no World of Warcraft game can do without them. In this guide we will talk about the best addons for World of Warcraft Classic and WoW Classic 20th Anniversary. WoW...
Phase 4 of WoW Season of Discovery is finally here, let's focus on the fastest leveling from 50 to 60, including tips for requesting (quests & route), dungeon runs, and gearing up. Let’s dive in and get you prepared for the new phase!