这是一款基于着色器的抗锯齿技术,用户可从「NVIDIA Control Panel」中运用这项技术,在数以百计的 PC 游戏中实现超快的抗锯齿处理。NVIDIA CUDA 技术 CUDA 技术可释放 GPU 中众多处理核心的强大能力来加速照片编辑等最棘手的系统任务,与传统 CPU 相比,能够实现惊人的性能提升。SLI SLI 技术能将多个 NVIDIA® ...
Keep your drivers up-to-date and optimize game settings. GeForce Experience lets you do it all, making it the essential companion to your GeForce graphics card. Space-grade lubricantbrings the durability of dual ball bearings to quieter sleeve bearing designs. DirectCUIIcopperheatpipesmake ...
At just 6.9cm wide, the ASUS GeForce® GTX 1650 Low Profile leaves plenty of space for cables to pass between the card and the side panel of a compact chassis, and allows more airflow to pass around it through the system. Software GPU Tweak II XSplit wtfast GPU Tweak II Mon...
影驰GTX780采用了6+8PIN进行供电,而基础频率运行在的863/1502(6008),搭载3GB/384Bit的极速GDDR5显存。并且可以通过搭配影驰自主研发的NEW Magic Panel提供更大的频率提速空间,大大提升显卡在游戏中的表现。 影驰GTX780在输出方面提供了2个DVI、1个HDMI、1个DP接口,高端接口一应俱全。GTX780依然支持NVIDIA原生单卡...
NVIDIAGeForceGameReadyDriver(381.89WHQL)DirectX环境 DirectX12 帧数监控 Fraps3.5.1 参测主板:华硕ROGMAXIMUSIXAPEX 在测试成绩方面,理论性能测试用得分来衡量性能,数值越高越好;游戏性能测试用游戏自带Benchmark来衡量性能,数值同样越高越好。理论性能测试:3DMarkFireStrike 首先进行的是用来衡量显卡理论DX11性能...
The GTX 1080 Classified Gaming ACX 3.0 is tied for the heftiest overclocks offered by EVGA's current lineup. Topping off at 1860 MHz on the boost clock, this graphics cards is poised for those who want to max out their in-game settings at high resolutions. Despite the stellar clock speed...
Product Info GeForce GTX 750 Compare and Buy Supported Technologies CUDAMore > 3D VisionMore > PhysXMore > TXAAMore > Adaptive VSyncMore > NVIDIA G-SYNC™More > 4KMore > SurroundMore > DSRMore > DirectX 12More > AnselMore > Product Family ...
GTX760系列显卡,除了支持先进的Game-Ready(游戏优化)功能、DirectX11.1API、TXAA、CUDA、PhysX、3DVISION、PureVideo高清硬件加速等技术,NVIDIA 3DVision Surround技术以及NVIDIA AdaptiveVsync技术之外,最新的GPU2.0技术是NVIDIA在700系列中引入的另一个重要新功能,其最大的意义,在于依靠目标温度值进行超频,可以简单的理解为...
performance wise, i don't game too much, and this laptop hasn't stuttered at all. my one complaint is the speaker - just wish it was louder. other than that, it doesn't have a webcam (not a big deal for me, since laptop ones suck ...