TUF Gaming graphics cards add hefty 3D horsepower to the TUF Gaming ecosystem, with features like Auto-Extreme manufacturing, steel backplates, high-tech fans, and IP5X certifications. And it’s all backed by a rigorous battery of validation tests to ens
第一种模式:抗锯齿功能可令锯齿边缘变得光滑,但是也能影响帧速率。 FXAA 是一种全新的抗锯齿技术,能够在尽量不影响性能的情况下生成优美的光滑线条。 凭借基于 Kepler 的 GPU,用户将能够通过 NVIDIA Control Panel,在数以百计的游戏中启用 FXAA。第二种模式:TXAA 是游戏内的一个选项,该模式将 MSAA、时间滤波...
ROG Gaming Notebooks GTX 980M Nvidia control panel 3D settings Options GTX 980M Nvidia control panel 3D settings 3,559 Views BL_11 Level 7 04-24-2017 06:59 AM - last edited on 03-05-2024 10:30 PM by ROGBot I own a laptop with gtx 980m and play a lot of FPS game...
Now, you can record and share your most brilliant gaming experiences with super-resolution, 360-degree, HDR, and stereoscopic capture modes. MORE CREATING, LESS WAITING Dedicated GPU power accelerates the creative apps you use every day. Combined with NVIDIA Creator Ready Drivers, you'll get ...
ROG Gaming Notebooks GTX 980M Nvidia control panel 3D settings Options GTX 980M Nvidia control panel 3D settings 3,561 Views BL_11 Level 7 04-24-2017 06:59 AM - last edited on 03-05-2024 10:30 PM by ROGBot I own a laptop with gtx 980m and play a lot of FPS game...
第一种模式:抗锯齿功能可令锯齿边缘变得光滑,但是也能影响帧速率。 FXAA 是一种全新的抗锯齿技术,能够在尽量不影响性能的情况下生成优美的光滑线条。 凭借基于 Kepler 的 GPU,用户将能够通过 NVIDIA Control Panel,在数以百计的游戏中启用 FXAA。第二种模式:TXAA 是游戏内的一个选项,该模式将 MSAA、时间滤波...
NVIDIA GameStream™ technology that lets you stream extreme GeForce® GTX PC gaming experiences to portable devices likeNVIDIA SHIELD™with super-smooth, low-latency performance. G-SYNC NVIDIA G-SYNCis groundbreaking new display technology that delivers the smoothest and fastest gaming experience ...
Product Info GeForce GTX 750 Compare and Buy Supported Technologies CUDAMore > 3D VisionMore > PhysXMore > TXAAMore > Adaptive VSyncMore > NVIDIA G-SYNC™More > 4KMore > SurroundMore > DSRMore > DirectX 12More > AnselMore > Product Family ...
one of my biggest downfalsl is that i can't raise the contrast inside nvidia control panel settings. the colors look... well... dull imo. it doesn't look the prettiest imo. i guess that's the sacrifice to make it for being able to be a...