GTD词典:Weekly Review 周回顾 周回顾就是在每周的固定时间回顾和处理一周的GTD成果,他通常包括下面几个内容: 回顾Someday/Maybe清单,是否有需要清除,是否需要提升为可执行状态?如果确认为可执行状态则划分出下一步具体的行动清单。 回顾project清单,如果在上一周已经完成的project则回顾一下完成的结果和预期的目标是...
Weekly Review This is the main process linked to theReflectstage, and it involves an in-depth review of all yourlists. The aim is to get a clean, clear, current and complete system, so you can firmly rely on it. TheWeekly Reviewallows you to: Gain clarity: Empty all of your inboxes...
It is very important to resist the urge to “do” during a weekly review. Don’t do it. The Weekly Review is for reviewing not doing. This is even true for the two minute rule. Focus on reviewing your “stuff” and getting current and you will immediately feel the stress relief of“...
It’s a weekly review that keeps everything going. Once a week, I will go through the Upcoming, Anytime, and Someday lists making sure everything is in its right place. If a particular date in Upcoming looks overloaded, I’ll try to move some things around. If something’s in Any...
When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.Try Smartsheet for free, today.
As an example, you could typePerform my weekly review every Friday at 6pm p1 #personal @productivityand Todoist would create a task of priority level 1 in your “Personal” project that has the “productivity” label attached and repeats every Friday, with a reminder at 6pm. Of course, ther...
最受欢迎的 如果你觉得一篇评论对你有帮助,请你点击“有用”。你的投票直接决定哪些评论出现在豆瓣首页和“豆瓣最受欢迎的评论”里,以及在书、电影和音乐介绍页里评论的排序。 所有“没用”的点击都是匿名的。 > GTD Weekly Review 作者:David Allen - Author of Getting Things Done ...
Also, don’t forget to add in a weekly review to make keep track of your GTD setup.🐑 Parting WordsDavid Allen’s Getting Things Done system is a powerful productivity tool that’ll help you take back control over your personal and professional life. That’s as long as you’re willing...
** There’s enough friction in this action that it only gets maintained and updated during a weekly review. Hence, missing or rushing a weekly review always results in lost perspective, not just control. *** I’d prefer to use mailto: links instead of templates, but sadly Evernote’s Wi...
I want to take a moment to highlight theReflectphase, because it is so important, and skipping it isone of the biggest GTD mistakesyou can make. We’ve recorded apodcast about the GTD Weekly Reviewthat we highly recommend you listen to. ...