五、每周回顾Weekly Review 以前在进行每周回顾的时候通常一个下午搞不定,现在用了上面的组织办法后,再加上每周回顾检查表后,通常能在1.5小时内完成。 回顾时要注意:确保是回顾,而不是做事,如果事情超过2分钟,就记下来,而不是完成它。 我当前的回顾检查表CheckList是这样的: 1)打开MacBook,同步OmniFocus 2)清空i...
Summary of the GTD methodology. Learn the key Getting Things Done models, including the GTD Mind Sweep and GTD Weekly Review.
五、每周回顾Weekly Review 以前在进行每周回顾的时候通常一个下午搞不定,现在用了上面的组织办法后,再加上每周回顾检查表后,通常能在1.5小时内完成。 回顾时要注意:确保是回顾,而不是做事,如果事情超过2分钟,就记下来,而不是完成它。 当前学习的回顾检查表CheckList是这样的: 1)打开电脑,同步OmniFocus 2)清空iPh...
✓GTD Weekly Review Checklist.To help you make progress on goals + projects. ✓Certification.Get a time-stamped certificate with your name immediately upon completion of the course. Get started 〉 FORMAT. Listen.Read.Watch. Lessons are delivered in a variety of formats—audio, text, and vid...
* TODO Review Weekly:HOME:SCHEDULED: <2009-01-16 Fri +1w>- State"DONE"[2009-01-10 Sat 21:46]CLOCK: [2009-01-10 Sat 20:37]--[2009-01-10 Sat 21:44]=> 1:07:PROPERTIES::Effort: 1:00:END:[[file:weekly_review.org][Open Weekly Review Checklist]] ...
(三)善用记事清单checklist:很多东西都可以做成checklist,包括一些项目的流程,比如出差这种项目,一旦有条件激发这类已经流程固化的项目,则可以直接调用已经设定好的checklist,按流程走下去,一个action 一个action地去完成。 (四)保持步骤完整。GTD中间的五个步骤是一个完整的流程,每一个都不能偏废。 (五)稳固GTD系统...
Further, each task can include notes or documentation, and tasks can be recurring or include a checklist. Add it all up, and you get this beautiful document of what needs to be done. You can set this view up to sit on the side of your screen as you plug away. ...
Awesome update to Evernote for Mac and iOS with the ability to “tag” things with a reminder time and receive an email to remind you. The update also creates a “checklist” with all the reminders for the day that can be checked off. Significant enhancement for my use of Evernote for...
3. Use the Checklist Column to Mark Off Tasks That You’ve Completed When you complete a task, click the corresponding cell in theDonecolumn, then click the drop-down menu. Click the green check icon that appears in the drop-down menu. ...
These kinds of features come in very handy, especially when you’re trying to put together an effective work schedule for yourself or keeping things organized for your weekly review. Try 2Do Try These GTD Apps Today As you can see, there are tons of great GTD apps you can start using to...