我是steam用户,因为GTASA升级后的各种原因,我降级了,使用了gtaforums上的GTA: San Andreas Downgrader,然后启动游戏,无任何问题。于是放入无名汉化组制作的汉化补丁,却导致了如图上所示的情况。可以看到,汉化是运作了,因为有“by:无名汉化组”等字样,就是无法显示。因为这个工具里面提供有mod,我也想过或许是这样的问...
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Widescreen Fix Grand Theft Auto Vice City Widescreen Fix Grand Theft Auto 3 Widescreen Fix This and many other fixes now available at thirteenag.github.io/widescreen_fixes_pack
Wesser_Widescreen (宽屏优化) 3. INSANITY Vegetation (高清植被) 4. KRT (部分地块高清材质) 5. remastered GUI +4 714333 圣安地列斯吧 蛋子二号 国产剧情任务mod--12月1日恢复更新 《GTA5 --男儿当自强》GTA5 剧情任务MOD特色: 1.全新原创的中文剧情任务 2.制作精良的即时过场动画 3.丰富多样的任务...
If I remember well,this modhas some issues with some PC specs and/or game settings (much like most Ryosuke's mods), check if you're playing at 16 or 32 bits, adjust resolution, enable widescreen (a widescreen fix could hep too), set graphics level at max, adjust distant view, etc. ...
MOD-LIST Install the following mods in listed order.Fixes/Tools4GB Patch (LINK) Unpack into the San Andreas game-folder. Run the program and patch "gta-sa.exe". After it says "Successfully Patched", exit. Widescreen Fix (LINK) Download both "GTASA.WidescreenFix.zip" and "GTASA.Widescreen...
SA_DirectX 2.0 ENB Series (SA_XEnhancer X by ZIMMER& Makarus) ·整合Mod: 1. Remastered GUI by Ash_735 2. Widescreen HOR+ Support by Wesser 3. INSANITY Vegetation by Ezekiel_RN ·整合ASI: 1. Project 2dfx by TJGM 2. RagDoll Physics by madleg 3. Widescreen Fix by Wesser 4. ...
- WidescreenFix Which mods do I need? 6 months later... gustav5795 New Members Joined: 12/05/2022 PostedDecember 18, 2022 First paste the cleo files into cleo then create a folder in modloader named animations patse the ifp files into the animations folder then it should work ...
Wesser_Widescreen (宽屏优化) 3. INSANITY Vegetation (高清植被) 4. KRT (部分地块高清材质) 5. remastered GUI +4 714333 sa吧 王赞学 【GTA San Andreas】教你成为SA的创造之神-浅谈IPL文件woshidbjman 2007-12-15 分享102 gta隐藏车吧 Fletingtime417 GTA SA新任务MOD隐藏车攻略【洛杉矶篇】圣安地...
Driver 3 Widescreen not work with unpatched European version Exe file size: 4 136 960 bytes https://yadi.sk/d/0ggCge4ZSq49rw need this becouse only this exe support unoficial multiplayer I had a similar exe (6 365 184 bytes) that doesn't work either, problem is almost none of ...
GTA San Andreas SA_DirectX 2.0 Mod was downloaded 6710022 times and it has 9.63 of 10 points so far. Download it now for GTA San Andreas!