So unlike most people who get there games off steam I have a CD copy of gta vice city. I had found it after like 10 years and when putting the fixes (Silent Patch, Widescreen Fix, limit adjuster, trails) I noticed that though i got the affect of the widescreen fix like...
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Widescreen Fix Grand Theft Auto Vice City Widescreen Fix Grand Theft Auto 3 Widescreen Fix This and many other fixes now available at
百度网盘: 转自 +7 分享906 windowsphone吧 渔歌唱晚👹 【整合】GTA: 圣安地列斯三种版本官方版 RockStar今天正式发行WP8版本的《侠盗猎车手: 圣安地列斯》(GTA: San Andreas)。 运行此游戏至少需要1GB RAM,2.5GB ROM(无试用),售价6.99 分享1027 gta4吧 qasdz12345 ...
pwd=5gvc 提取码: 5gvc 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 安装方法: 1.解压Ultimate-ASI-Loader.zip到游戏根目录覆盖 2.解压GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix.zip到游戏根目 136678 gta4吧 ∑小F 【GTA4--破解版--硬盘版--汉化--优化】帖1L百度 分享393 gta5mod吧 狂爱GTAlove 路人暴乱MOD 配合...
Unpack into the San Andreas game-folder. Run the program and patch "gta-sa.exe". After it says "Successfully Patched", exit. Widescreen Fix (LINK) Download both "" and "". Unpack both files into the GTA San Andreas game-folder. *This is...
Vans & Trucks Bikes Aircraft Boats Trains Skins Handling & Stats Other Player/Ped Mods Models Skins & Clothes Weapons Models Skins Stats & Config Data Misc Tools Textures HUDs, Maps & Menus Save Games Sounds Other 16:9 gta 3 « Back to Widescreen Fix Remake «...
Updated dev build of Mafia fix, now asi loader is d3d8.dll with d3d8to9 enabled by default. In preparation for this: Expand amazing , but why droplets doesnt move to left or right when u move camera like in skygfx? ThirteenAG Members ...
因为第一次发 分享9赞 gta自由之城吧 LCPD爱拉登 【3代PC版用】宽屏修复补丁应该有人发过 但我不记得是多久以前了 也不知道之前的贴还在不在 索性重发一份好了 [功能] 让你的游戏看起来更舒服 具体功能请打开 scripts\GTA3.WidescreenFix.ini 自行研究,你也可以根据实际情况修改ini中的一些参数 [效果图] ...
13610 sa吧 王赞学 【GTA San Andreas】圣安地列斯武器全介绍@Hittian000 2014-02-21 RT,争做最全最完整的武器介绍,多图,并非复制,绝对原创。少部分图不是我的。 注释:毁车子弹数:击毁车辆所需的子弹数量。其实所有车辆都是一样的,如果有差那应该是距离和武器技术有关。飞机的耐久度要高一些,一些任务的防弹...
June 16, 2022inGTA San Andreas Share More sharing options... Followers0 MeemoMaple New Members Joined: 06/13/2022 PostedJune 16, 2022 So, I downloaded the Manual Driveby Remake mod and as soon as I enter a car the game crashes, I think this is because I have some mods missing for...