【CLEO】Wide..原作者的话:[III] Widescreen Fix RemakeComparison screenshots: http://db.tt/Gg7hkfBSMore info in gtaforums
Starry Skies v1.2.1 is a PC-port ofmobile mod. The original mod is adding way more stars and replaces the default R-shaped "picture". Supported game versions are GTA San Andreas 1.0 US only and any version of GTA Vice City. The mod has been tested in Modloader by@TheArtemMaps, als...
Updated dev build of Mafia fix, now asi loader is d3d8.dll with d3d8to9 enabled by default. In preparation for this: D3d8 is also needed for setup.exe, I included a separate plugin with ability to write settings to file, which fixes this issue:https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Mafia#In-...
Widescreen Fix (LINK) Download both "GTASA.WidescreenFix.zip" and "GTASA.WidescreenFrontend.zip". Unpack both files into the GTA San Andreas game-folder. *This is needed if you use ANY other aspect ration than 4:3, and don't like the picture to by stretched-out and flat. Cleo 4.4.0...
因为第一次发 分享9赞 gta自由之城吧 LCPD爱拉登 【3代PC版用】宽屏修复补丁应该有人发过 但我不记得是多久以前了 也不知道之前的贴还在不在 索性重发一份好了 [功能] 让你的游戏看起来更舒服 具体功能请打开 scripts\GTA3.WidescreenFix.ini 自行研究,你也可以根据实际情况修改ini中的一些参数 [效果图] ...
Bikes Aircraft Boats Trains Skins Handling & Stats Other Player/Ped Mods Models Skins & Clothes Weapons Models Skins Stats & Config Data Misc Tools Textures HUDs, Maps & Menus Save Games Sounds Other 16:9 gta 3 « Back to Widescreen Fix Remake «...
分享349 gta自由之城吧 LCPD爱拉登 【3代PC版用】宽屏修复补丁应该有人发过 但我不记得是多久以前了 也不知道之前的贴还在不在 索性重发一份好了 [功能] 让你的游戏看起来更舒服 具体功能请打开 scripts\GTA3.WidescreenFix.ini 自行研究,你也可以根据实际情况修改ini中的一些参数 [效果图] 12711 samp吧 123...
Okay this is driving me insane! I have a brand new gaming laptop. an Omen with the GeForce 3070. I installed GTA III and San Andreas without a hitch. I even modded them with the G-Input's awesome Xbox/PS controller schemes. They work fine, but I cannot g
SA WIPThings To Do In San Andreas: Volume II123419 By TheoTTG,November 6, 2019 566 383.7k Mannoroth February 1 SA ReleasedMoonLoader1234 By BH Team,July 2, 2017 SA Released 109 312.1k Strs January 31 IV Released[IV/EFLC] Potential Grim123429 ...
Widescreen Fix by Wesser 4. WindowedMode by ThirteenAG 5. 无名汉化组汉化 by 无名汉化组 ·整合CLEO: 1. Memory2048 by fastman92 2. No more haze by Treavor 3. Hot 82704686 gta安卓吧 我是爸? 分享一个和SAPD比较相近的圣安地列斯警察模组,可派遣支援。 +1 13912 圣安地列斯吧 褪尽光滑 圣安...