【CLEO】Wide..原作者的话:[III] Widescreen Fix RemakeComparison screenshots: http://db.tt/Gg7hkfBSMore info in gtaforums
I fixed it by uploading to the folder with game SilentPatchSA and silents_asi_loader_13. Now the second problem is that in most of the scenes I do not have a voice, or if something has not stopped in the game, e.g. the lack of sounds of a certain vehicle,...
整合ASI: modloader.asi (外挂补丁加载器) RagDoll Physics by madleg (布娃娃物理) Widescreen Fix by Wesser (宽屏优化) 真实飙血效果 整合CLEO: Memory 1G~2048 (增大内存限制) fullstats (按Tab键,血槽/防弹衣/金钱全部加满,警星全灭) 其他:
SA Released VC Released (and 1 more) 2k 890.6k trgb.8.99999 January 24 RW Released[GTA|NFS|MP|OTHER] Widescreen Fixes Pack1234112 By ThirteenAG,March 12, 2013 III Released VC Released (and 3 more) 3.4k 976.4k MERS4D January 3
SA_DirectX 2.0 ENB Series (SA_XEnhancer X by ZIMMER& Makarus) ·整合Mod: 1. Remastered GUI by Ash_735 2. Widescreen HOR+ Support by Wesser 3. INSANITY Vegetation by Ezekiel_RN ·整合ASI: 1. Project 2dfx by TJGM 2. RagDoll Physics by madleg 3. Widescreen Fix by Wesser 4. ...
偶尔重新打开还能听到开场BGM 分享2216 gta自由之城吧 LCPD爱拉登 【3代PC版用】宽屏修复补丁应该有人发过 但我不记得是多久以前了 也不知道之前的贴还在不在 索性重发一份好了 [功能] 让你的游戏看起来更舒服 具体功能请打开 scripts\GTA3.WidescreenFix.ini 自行研究,你也可以根据实际情况修改ini中的一些参数...
Move the "III.VC.SA.WindowedMode.asi" into the "scripts" folder inside the San Andreas game-folder. Don't copy any other files. Rhino Tank LOD Fix (LINK) Download and unpack to a temporary folder. Move the "gta3.img" folder into "\modloader\models\" Random Crash Fix (DOWNLOAD) Unp...
Do you want tofix GTA Vice City WideScreenproblems? If yes, then you’re on the right page. Well, most Vice City users search the web to solve the widescreen issues. Some users are unable to change resolution and others face crosshair aiming/accuracy problems. However, you can select the...
2020个人整合《GTA:LC+VC+SA+V》GTA5_DirectX 2.0画质四合一最强联动版【950MB高压】 整合简介: 本体:Grand Theft Auto United_1.2.0.1_Public 整合前几作的地图,全新画质,全新任务,全新剧情 整合工具: 1. CLEO4 2. Silent's ASI Loader 3. Mod Loader 4. GTA:V_DirectX 2.0 Graphic(Enbseries and effe...
CLEO4 2. Silent's ASI Loader 3. Mod Loader 4. GTA:V_DirectX 2.0 Graphic(Enbseries and effects:XMakarusX,Boris Vorontsov,Marty McFly) 整合Mod: 1. East Los Santos Retextured (部分地块高清材质) 2. Wesser_Widescreen (宽屏优化) 3. INSANITY Vegetation (高清植被) 4. KRT (部分地块高清材质)...