【CLEO】Wide..原作者的话:[III] Widescreen Fix RemakeComparison screenshots: http://db.tt/Gg7hkfBSMore info in gtaforums
在3DM Mod站下载侠盗猎车手系列最新的《GTA:LC+VC+SA+V》GTA5_DirectX 2.0画质四合一最强联动版【950MB高压】 Mod,由LST制作。LST在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Widescreen Fix Grand Theft Auto Vice City Widescreen Fix Grand Theft Auto 3 Widescreen Fix This and many other fixes now available at thirteenag.github.io/widescreen_fixes_pack
MOD-LIST Install the following mods in listed order.Fixes/Tools4GB Patch (LINK) Unpack into the San Andreas game-folder. Run the program and patch "gta-sa.exe". After it says "Successfully Patched", exit. Widescreen Fix (LINK) Download both "GTASA.WidescreenFix.zip" and "GTASA.Widescreen...
SA_DirectX 2.0 ENB Series (SA_XEnhancer X by ZIMMER& Makarus) ·整合Mod: 1. Remastered GUI by Ash_735 2. Widescreen HOR+ Support by Wesser 3. INSANITY Vegetation by Ezekiel_RN ·整合ASI: 1. Project 2dfx by TJGM 2. RagDoll Physics by madleg 3. Widescreen Fix by Wesser 4. ...
19. widescreen fix 20. silent patch 21. advanced aiming 22. unused detonator anim 23. parachute land fix 24. bullet physics ragdoll 25. framerate vigilante 26. cheat menu 27. fix square water 28. remove 3d gunflash 29. skygrad 30. skygfx ...
pwd=5gvc 提取码: 5gvc 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 安装方法: 1.解压Ultimate-ASI-Loader.zip到游戏根目录覆盖 2.解压GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix.zip到游戏根目 136678 gta4吧 ∑小F 【GTA4--破解版--硬盘版--汉化--优化】帖1L百度 分享393 gta5mod吧 狂爱GTAlove 路人暴乱MOD 配合...
应该有人已经解决了,这里仅分享一下个人的进一步优化,打开scripts/GTA3.WidescreenFix.ini,删除最后一行,因为汉化补丁用的文本和游戏自带的文本不是一个体系,强行加载会直接崩溃,设置汉化说明感谢@LCPD爱拉登 宰殒 7-7 410 178的雪松林别墅改造日志 178abc6 4年前还是5年前,首通gta3之后,就想着能不能把...
I use GTA SA PC 1.0 and the only mods installed are: silent patch, widescreen fix, GImputSa and cheat menu. I never installed CLEO. Everything worked normal up until reaching 50% GF progress after I had 100% completion. Even on my other early game saves of the same profile these same...
SA 比较特殊,不开帧率限制默认 60 帧,开帧率限制最大支持 120 帧,刚好相反还有一个问题就是开启游戏后需要回到桌面再回到游戏才能让 CPU 大核负载,这个是祖传的 bug GTA SA 版本 2.00 GTA LCS 版本 2.4 Bully 版本 楼下链接 7181110 psvita破解吧 nbe的老巢 gtavc初音果体mod食用用教程人物模型dff...