open-sourcecross-platformmultiplayergtafossopen-worldgodotgodot-enginegta3grand-theft-autogodot4 UpdatedMar 5, 2025 GDScript GTA SA rendering hook gta UpdatedJan 25, 2023 C++ JavaScript runtime for GTA 3D era games/GTA IV/Bully javascripttypescriptgtascripting-languagescripting-enginecleolibrarycleo-red...
Right now i have firebase web data stream, and then i have a "web web" data stream because i dont trust the firebase web property since it's not managed by G4 (where is measurement protocol secrets api key?) so now i have two separate data streams to make sure i'm losing web to ...
Or will DLSS 2.1 just replace Frame Scaling/native 4K, and TAA will still be necessary to remedy the odd rendering of shadows and foliage? We will see. But either way, I'm happy it's coming to RDR2. I'm already very close to max settings with my 3070, but being able to turn off...
Message: Der Typ "SlimDX.Result" in Assembly "SlimDX, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b1b0c32fd1ffe4f9" ist nicht als serialisierbar gekennzeichnet. Stack trace: bei System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.InternalGetSerializableMembers(RuntimeType type) bei System.Runt...
C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.DLL121280x728E00000x000030000x00000000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Crypto Pro\CSP\cpwinet.dll304880x616700000x000090000x61672B47 E:\GTA San Andreas\ogg.dll368640x003F00000x000090000x003F302E ...
It still does, but come the new API's, it's gonna be partly useless. PrMinisterGR, Apr 12, 2015 #44 The Mac Guest Messages: 4,404 Likes Received: 0 GPU: Sapphire R9-290 Vapor-X Wishful thinking,but hopefully the new APIs wont need it. There will always be dx9, dx10, ...
3分钟创建一个游戏类容器应用 3分钟创建一个游戏类容器应用 06 API 弹性云服务器(Elastic Cloud Server)是一种可随时自动获取、计算能力可弹性伸缩的云服务器。 API文档 什么是ECS创建容器应用基本流程 快速创建一个kubernetes集群 3分钟创建一个游戏类容器应用 ...
确实影响阅读体验. 然后这个方案是不成熟的, 大家可以巧用: wx.setTabBarItem 这个api,来做一些文章. 其实可以用wx.setTabBarItem 参考地址:见文章结尾 自定义 tabBar 官方api地址:https://developers.weixin...
丛越 AIGC 游戏引擎的自我修养 之前在开发 GGE Vulkan Rendering Backend 的过程中,有时仅仅通过 API 文档难以深入理解其背后的运行机制,于是产生了深入 Vulkan 驱动内部的想法,本文通过深入解析…阅读全文 赞同173 18 条评论 分享收藏 ...
The mod natively supports Oculus and SteamVR headsets. HMD detection is automatic: if you have an Oculus headset connected (with the OVR service running) when you start the game, the mod will use native Oculus rendering; otherwise it will launch in SteamVR mode. WMR and Pimax headsets are ...