Ray-traced lighting can create much more realistic shadows in dark and bright scenes, with softer edges and greater definition. Achieving that look without ray tracing is extraordinarily hard. Developers can only fake it through careful, controlled use of preset, static light sources. Placing all t...
While the API is technically available to all, only Nvidia hardware is optimized for use with PhysX; AMD fans wont be able to make the most of GPU accelerated PhysX, but a beefy CPU should be able to give you a good taste of its ability. Since PhysX is a separate API, it requires ...
Keywords: symbiosis; microbiome; caste determination; polyphenism; molt; eusociality; interdependency; cyst; hormones 'One in general does not kill the goose that laid the golden egg' [1] 1. Introduction Overwhelming evidence is now available from morphological characters and genomic analyses of both...