,用手机第一次输入数字后拨通,屏幕会出现作弊成功的提示(Cheat Activated)。然后就可以通过手机的cheat选项选择代表各种效果的各个选项作弊。 送TA礼物 1楼2010-04-29 21:55回复 会摆渡的熊 去看置顶 1 362-555-0100 DOC-Health 补满生命和防弹衣和交通工具恢复原样267-555-0100 COP-Wanted Down 提升一...
-novblank GTA4 EFLC cheat code === GTA4自由城的秘籍如下: 一、使用方法 1、打开手机:按方向键【上箭头按键】,游戏右下角会弹出手机界面。 2、调出拨号面板:再次按一下【上方向键】调出拨号面板 3、输入秘籍:按小键盘按键输入对应秘籍即可,输入完毕回车会开启秘籍模块如果光标被定位到了按键上导致小键盘输入...
This Comet comes in a unique plum color. In Brucie's Races, sometimes an opponent or opponents will spawn in Comets, which can be stolen (although this will forfeit the race). The Comet can be spawned by dialing (227)-555-0175 on the cell phone. This cheat code does not affect saved...
and here you will be directed to Cheat Category: GTA - X-BOX 360 Cheats - The Lost and Damned to the full list of codes to see on this title series. cheat code car comet - Porsche 911 Platform: GTA - X-BOX 360 Cheats GTA Game: The Lost and Damned cheat code light weapons ...
4.Grants all weapons in the game – Triangle, R2, Left, L1, X, Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1, L1 GTA V - Cheat codes on Xbox X/S Gameplay codes: 1.Make immortal – Right, A, Right, Left, Right, RB, Right, Left, A, Y ...
作弊名称Comment本作没有价钱的作弊码Money Cheat There is no money cheat code in GTA V-more details here Instead we have money tips and a stock market guide Items 作弊名称Button Combination 降落伞(Parachute) 装备后按X使用(Equip and pressXto use)SKYDIVE Weapons暂无 World Effects 作弊名称ButtonCom...
Cheat mode Enter one of the following codes during game play. A small box will appear to confirm correct code entry. Note: The following 来自gta4吧 Darth_Clark 0.0.0.*07-29 8 为什么GTA4不能打秘籍? 今天下了个GTA4 进去后发现调出手机只有视频编辑器和联机游戏2个选项。电话和秘籍都不能用了...
本作没有价钱的作弊码Money Cheat There is no money cheat code in GTA V - more details here Instead we have money tips and a stock market guide Items 作弊名称 Button Combination 降落伞(Parachute) 装备后按X使用(Equip and press X to use) SKYDIVE Weapons 暂无 World Effects 作弊名称 ButtonCombi...
How to enter GTA 4 cheat codes All the codes for GTA 4, your character must enter in your mobile phone. These codes consist of a specific set of numbers, as well as phone numbers. In order to activate GTA 4 cheats, the character needs to dial a digital code sequence and press the ...
Here you will find a full list of GTA 5 cheats for PS 4 with detailed description of each, as well as detailed information how to enter cheat codes.