Comet car cheat. COMET 1-999-266-38 RB B RT > LB LT A A X RBLimousine cheat. VINEWOOD 1-999-846-39663 RT > LT < < RB LB B >Rapid GT cheat for GTA 5. RAPIDGT 1-999-727-4348 RT LB B > LB RB > < B RTPCJ-600 cheat. ROCKET 1-999-762-538 RB > < > RT < > X ...
Here you will find a full list of GTA 5 cheats for PS 4 with detailed description of each, as well as detailed information how to enter cheat codes.
and here you will be directed to Cheat Category: GTA - X-BOX 360 Cheats - The Lost and Damned to the full list of codes to see on this title series. cheat code car comet - Porsche 911 Platform: GTA - X-BOX 360 Cheats GTA Game: The Lost and Damned cheat code light weapons ...
The give all weapons cheat code for GTA 5 on PC. Moon Gravity: FLOATER Slippery Cars: SNOWDAY Slow Motion: SLOWMO Spawn BMX: BANDIT Spawn Buzzard: BUZZOFF Spawn Caddy: HOLEIN1 Spawn Comet: COMET Spawn Duster: FLYSPRAY Spawn Limo: VINEWOOD Spawn PCJ-600: ROCKET Spawn Rapid GT: RAPIDGT...
4.COMET – Sports car 5.FLYSPRAY – Duster aeroplane ALSO READ:Most-awaited games launching in 2024 6.OFFROAD – Sanchez motorbike 7.RAPIDGT – Rapid GT car 8.ROCKET – PCJ-600 motorbike 9.TRASHED – Refuse truck 10.VINEWOOD – Limousine ...
227-555-0100 CAR-FIB BUFFALO FBI用的警车227-555-0142 CAR-COGNOSCENTI 普通车,有点长 227-555-0147 CAR-TURISMO 跑车,有点像法拉利 227-555-0168 CAR-SUSPER GT 跑车,有点像阿斯顿马丁227-555-0175 CAR-COMET 跑车,有点像保时捷227-555-9666 CAR-BULLET GT 跑车,貌似是现实中的福特GT 2楼2010-04-...
Below, you'll find lists with all cheat codes for Grand Theft Auto 5 that work for the PS5, PS4, PS3, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC. This guide features a complete GTA 5 cheat code list. Unfortunately, the only cheat you won't find here is an "infinite money ...
GTA5全部载具图例 热度: 作弊码秘籍适用于单人模式,有三种方式可以实现。 1.在游戏中按“~”键(小键盘1左边的那个键),输入秘籍后按回车。 2.拿出手机拨打电话号码(类似侠盗猎车手4) 3.直接输入代码(类似罪恶都市) 按F11键激活载具炮 END键召唤妹子
本作没有价钱的作弊码Money Cheat There is no money cheat code in GTA V - more details here Instead we have money tips and a stock market guide Items 作弊名称 Button Combination 降落伞(Parachute) 装备后按X使用(Equip and press X to use) SKYDIVE Weapons 暂无 World Effects 作弊名称 ButtonCombi...
The give all weapons cheat code for GTA 5 on PC. Moon Gravity: FLOATER Slippery Cars: SNOWDAY Slow Motion: SLOWMO Spawn BMX: BANDIT Spawn Buzzard: BUZZOFF Spawn Caddy: HOLEIN1 Spawn Comet: COMET Spawn Duster: FLYSPRAY Spawn Limo: VINEWOOD Spawn PCJ-600: ROCKET Spawn Rapid GT: RAPIDGT...