Welcome to IGN's GTA 3 walkthrough of Espresso-2-Go!, Mission 45. This timed mission takes place in Shoreside Vale and is assigned by Asuka
只要先把它们一个个找出来然后在8分钟内全部铲平就可以了 当然,过黑手党地盘时还是要小心,他们的霰弹枪的威力……说清楚 是任务必须防弹车还是说用防弹车容易过?如果是任务必须的话重接任务,否则用秘籍
ESPRESSO-2..ESPRESSO-2-GO 首先从A点出发,出了工地后右转,第一个十字路左转,前方有一个目标 ,接着就是向右转(GASOLINE的广告方向)
In Espresso-2-Go, you can find the Espresso Stands before you destroy any, however, I only recommend doing it like this if you're a noob to GTA III and don't know the map very well or never did any other playthroughs in the past. Also during this same Mission, as stated in my ...
ESPRESSO-2-GO This difficulty is relatively large, there are 9 similar bus ticket booth (remember sell coffee), to be destroyed, when destroyed when any one of them, give you 8 of the destruction left when the only 8 minutes, in just eight minutes, you have to across the three regions...
DragonpokeZ- GTA III Chain Game Player(Inactive)[20/3] Bartleby- GTA III Chain Game Player(Inactive)[19/0] Sergiu- GTA III Chain Game Player(Inactive)[19/0] fireguy109- GTA III Chain Game Player(Inactive)[18/2] Earthbound- GTA III Chain Game Player(Inactive)[16/0] ...
To help you out with this we have a GTA 3 Espresso 2 Go map of all of the stalls locations, plus some advice to guide you through passing the mission. GTA 3 cheats | GTA 3 hidden packages | GTA 3 Silence The Sneak | GTA Vice City cheats | GTA Vice City hidden packages | GTA ...
The Espresso-2-Go mission is one of the most difficult in the Grand Theft Auto franchise but it's easier to complete when players know where to go.
Espresso-2-Go! Mission Espresso-2-Go! Asuka KasentellingClaudethat they have under estimatedCatalina's plans for the distribution ofSPANKin thecity. GameGTA III ForAsuka Kasen TargetThe Kappa Coffee House LocationFort Staunton,Staunton Island,Liberty City...
From the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Company building, drive a little bit forward and go inside the restaurant to your right and you’ll find this Hidden Package behind the counter. Hidden Package #77 Head over to the southwest corner of Little Havana and look for the Bakery, Espresso & Sandwic...