Welcome to IGN's GTA 3 walkthrough of Espresso-2-Go!, Mission 45. This timed mission takes place in Shoreside Vale and is assigned by Asuka
只要先把它们一个个找出来然后在8分钟内全部铲平就可以了 当然,过黑手党地盘时还是要小心,他们的霰弹枪的威力……
ESPRESSO-2..ESPRESSO-2-GO 首先从A点出发,出了工地后右转,第一个十字路左转,前方有一个目标 ,接着就是向右转(GASOLINE的广告方向)
For nearly 20 years, Anthony’s Espresso Equipment has been servicing the GTA and beyond, with their coffee & espresso needs. Now with two locations; Toronto & Vaughan, we’ve become a staple in the industry. We can help you through the entire process; from choosing the right coffee bean...
The Espresso-2-Go mission inGTA 3as part ofGrand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Editionis known to fans as one of the most difficult missions in the series. This is due to the strict time limit in place, and the travel distance needed to be successful. ...
There are a total of 9 GTA 3 Espresso 2 Go stalls you need to destroy in order to complete this mission, which can be found in the following locations: Shoreside Vale: Near the hospital in Pike Creek. Shoreside Vale: Near the statue at Francis International Airport. Staunton Island: In...