Welcome to IGN's GTA 3 walkthrough of Espresso-2-Go!, Mission 45. This timed mission takes place in Shoreside Vale and is assigned by Asuka
只要先把它们一个个找出来然后在8分钟内全部铲平就可以了 当然,过黑手党地盘时还是要小心,他们的霰弹枪的威力……
ESPRESSO-2..ESPRESSO-2-GO 首先从A点出发,出了工地后右转,第一个十字路左转,前方有一个目标 ,接着就是向右转(GASOLINE的广告方向)
Espresso-2-Go! 海岸之谷机场边的摊位被破坏后,会引起哥伦比亚帮的追杀,所以不推荐前期就破坏这个。 这个任务圣马可地区的黑手党会把武器换成Uzi,使得任务更容易。而且为了减轻负担,许多帮派(甚至敌对帮派)都会自发攻击哥伦比亚帮的摊子。 S.A.M. Asuka说飞机会在两小时到达,但游戏给了玩家3分半钟,相当于游戏内的...
I try not to use any Special Vehicles on Missions. I only use them after 100%, so I personally wouldn't use anything during Espresso-2-Go. I just use a fast car like a Banshee, Stinger, Cheetah, etc, etc and drive to each stand and ram the stand and drive away, except the one...
《侠盗猎车手3(gta3)》流程攻略[整理版]Portland篇 驾车来到两个指定地点后,依次经过两个粉红点,再开车到绿点,接一个女人(Misty)到粉红点,任务完成,然后开车到地图上的粉红色屋子里,将车开到右边车库,下车走到左边房间,即可完成存档。LUIGI'S GIRLS 从车库中开车到L点,接任务后在对面拾起棍子,开车到...
Espresso-2-Go! Evidence Dash Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chong Gangcar Round-Up Give Me Liberty Gone Fishing Grand Theft Aero Grand Theft Auto Gripped! Her Lover I Scream, You Scream Kanbu Bust-out Kingdom Come Last Requests Liberator Marked Man Mike Lips Last Lunch Multistorey Mayhem Paparazzi Pur...
This is one of the only cases where gang members can be found out of their respective turf. The other missions areBomb Da Base: Act II,Espresso-2-Go!(Colombian Cartel in Portland),Bait(Yakuza in Shoreside Vale). This is the only mission in the game showing the rivalry between the Diab...