Welcome to IGN's GTA 3 walkthrough of Espresso-2-Go!, Mission 45. This timed mission takes place in Shoreside Vale and is assigned by Asuka
只要先把它们一个个找出来然后在8分钟内全部铲平就可以了 当然,过黑手党地盘时还是要小心,他们的霰弹枪的威力……
ESPRESSO-2..ESPRESSO-2-GO 首先从A点出发,出了工地后右转,第一个十字路左转,前方有一个目标 ,接着就是向右转(GASOLINE的广告方向)
I try not to use any Special Vehicles on Missions. I only use them after 100%, so I personally wouldn't use anything during Espresso-2-Go. I just use a fast car like a Banshee, Stinger, Cheetah, etc, etc and drive to each stand and ram the stand and drive away, except the one...
Espresso-2-Go! 海岸之谷机场边的摊位被破坏后,会引起哥伦比亚帮的追杀,所以不推荐前期就破坏这个。 这个任务圣马可地区的黑手党会把武器换成Uzi,使得任务更容易。而且为了减轻负担,许多帮派(甚至敌对帮派)都会自发攻击哥伦比亚帮的摊子。 S.A.M. Asuka说飞机会在两小时到达,但游戏给了玩家3分半钟,相当于游戏内的...
Espresso-2-Go! Evidence Dash Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chong Gangcar Round-Up Give Me Liberty Gone Fishing Grand Theft Aero Grand Theft Auto Gripped! Her Lover I Scream, You Scream Kanbu Bust-out Kingdom Come Last Requests Liberator Marked Man Mike Lips Last Lunch Multistorey Mayhem Paparazzi Pur...
ESPRESSO-2-GO 这关难度比较大,有9个类似公车票亭(记得好像是卖咖啡的),需要毁灭,当毁灭其中任何一个的时候,给你毁灭剩下8个的时候就只剩8分钟了,在短短的八分钟里,你要横跨三个地区,经过多次失败以后,我终于领悟到了诀窍,那就是不急于动手,先漫游三个城市,找到九个目标后,再动手,这...
This is one of the only cases where gang members can be found out of their respective turf. The other missions areBomb Da Base: Act II,Espresso-2-Go!(Colombian Cartel in Portland),Bait(Yakuza in Shoreside Vale). This is the only mission in the game showing the rivalry between the Diab...