gt_bboxes是什么 gtfo booster 常规参数General Parameters booster[default=gbtree]:选择基分类器,可以是:gbtree,gblinear或者dart。gbtree和draf基于树模型,而gblinear基于线性模型。 slient[default=0]:是否有运行信息输出,设置为1则没有运行信息输出。 nthread[default to maximum number of threads available if ...
In this specific case, the error is happening in line 201 of the file, where pred_bboxes and gt_bboxes are being indexed using the idx and gt_idx tensors, respectively. To fix the issue, you can try casting idx and gt_idx to long tensors before using them for indexing. ...
OpenWrt for Amlogic S9xxx STB. Support STB are S905x3, S905x2, S922x, S905x, S905d, s912, etc. such as Phicomm-N1, Octopus-Planet, X96-Max+, HK1-Box, H96-Max-X3, Belink GT-King, Belink GT-King Pro, UGOOS AM6 Plus, HG680P, B860H, etc. - essoojay/amlogic-