gt_bboxes是什么 gtfo booster 常规参数General Parameters booster[default=gbtree]:选择基分类器,可以是:gbtree,gblinear或者dart。gbtree和draf基于树模型,而gblinear基于线性模型。 slient[default=0]:是否有运行信息输出,设置为1则没有运行信息输出。 nthread[default to maximum number of threads available if ...
In this specific case, the error is happening in line 201 of the file, where pred_bboxes and gt_bboxes are being indexed using the idx and gt_idx tensors, respectively. To fix the issue, you can try casting idx and gt_idx to long tensors before using them for indexing. ...
bboxes = np.array(bboxes, np.float32) confidence = 0.5 将文本框坐标恢复到透视变换之前的坐标系空间 forj inrange(len(bboxes)):ones=np.ones((4,1))tmp=np.concatenate([bboxes[j],ones],axis=-1)I=np.matrix(MM).I ori=np.matmul(I,tmp.transpose(1,0)).transpose(1,0)bboxes[j]=...
The Asus GT 502 is a great box that really has a lot of pluses. From the very favorable price (currently it can be bought for 135 Euros) to the design (I still don't forgive the HDD and PSU inscription on the side of the cabinet) to the possibility of cooling or hiding the water...
Řada Rapture stále posouvá hranice možností gamingu a síťového připojení. ROG Rapture GT-BE98 je čtyřpásmový herní WiFi 7 router přizpůsobený pro počítače nové generace s rychlostí až 25 Gb/s a dvěma porty 10 Gb/s. ...
, bbox in enumerate(bboxes): left_top = (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])) # 这里数据集中bbox的含义是,左上角坐标和右下角坐标。 right_bottom = (int(bbox[0] + bbox[2]), int(bbox[1] + bbox[3])) # 根据不同数据集中bbox的含义,进行修改。
Ios Android 9.0 TV Box Chipset Amlogic S905X3 RAM 2GB ROM 16GB Viedo Decoder 4K Biss Autoroll Biss Key Powervu Auto Powervu WiFi Built-in WiFi 2.4G/5g+Bt4.1, 802.1.1b/G/N/AC IPTV Support IPTV on Gtplayer Support 1 Cccam Support 2 T2mi Tuner S2X/T2/Cable/ATSC-C...
▲这里需要夸奖一下,零刻GT-KING PRO是完美支持X BOX系列的手柄的,我的X BOX360手柄插上去可以完美识别,基本上没有延迟,对于支持手柄的游戏,玩起来会非常的爽,毕竟X BOX系列的手柄应该是现在游戏手柄的巅峰之作了。 ▲画质高,能开的都开了,虽然没什么好调整的 ▲玩起来非常的流畅,而且手柄玩比手机玩爽多了,...