显卡驱动更新完重启电脑。以前我也有过这种情况,你测试的时候估计是用的集成显卡才造成了二三十帧的效果。用驱动人生更新一下其他的驱动,进N卡设置,让游戏用N卡运行,运行鲁大师的时候,点右键在运行图形处理器选项中选择N卡 你去下载驱动精灵2014,里面有最新的软件驱动更新版本,你装上就可以了,你这种...
NVIDIA就发布了全新的GeForce 320.14 Beta测试版驱动,使命就是优化了《地铁:最后的曙光》(Metro: Last Light),使性能提升高达10%。64位下载:http://www.nvidia.cn/object/notebook-win8-win7-64bit-320.14-beta-driver-cn.html shadowhole 笔记本盲 13 前排 犀利砖ZOL 信仰用户 10 GT750M针对新版的Y400...
建议您卸载当前驱动,然后去官网重新下载对应版本的驱动,如果无效的话,建议您重装纯净版系统 驱动下载链接:http://support1.lenovo.com.cn/lenovo/wsi/Modules/Drive.aspx?intcmp=I_F_Driver 更多问题您可以咨询联想智能机器人:http://robot.lenovo.com.cn/lenovo/ 如果没有解决您的问题可以吐槽提出...
i tried every possible solution I could find, reinstalling every driver multiple times etc. The issue with Counter Strike running with black bar still exists. My CPU is not stated in the list of the release note. What to do now? Translate...
i tried every possible solution I could find, reinstalling every driver multiple times etc. The issue with Counter Strike running with black bar still exists. My CPU is not stated in the list of the release note. What to do now? 번역...
英伟达官网或驱动精灵或驱动人生 没有一个ID银 路人戊 1 驱动精灵,先安装集成显卡的驱动,再安装独立显卡的驱动 USB 一般吧友 13 http://www.nvidia.cn/download/driverResults.aspx/73299/cnn卡官网下载啊,你是什么情况,提示安装失败? ADFFF十字东征 路人戊 1 我也是这情况 怎么都安不上 登录...
$34.99 Get it from Steam NVIDIA GeForce GT 750MReview NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M review is temporarily unavailable. Sorry for the inconvenience. Home > Graphics Cards > NVIDIA GeForce GT 750MReview Last updated:
i tried every possible solution I could find, reinstalling every driver multiple times etc. The issue with Counter Strike running with black bar still exists. My CPU is not stated in the list of the release note. What to do now? Translate...