2022.2.15晚测试了win10 22H2环境下GT610和M40的组合,修改驱动正常安装,m40也能工作在WDDM模式,但无法通过修改注册表实现游戏对M40的调用,网上的一些教程来源于对Tesla K系列计算卡的调用实现方法,如同和使用AMD独显一样,反复尝试仍不能成功,我能采取的唯一“有效”办法是禁用GT610,虽然windows中相关调用选项出现了M4...
该驱动还支持联想GT745M(GK107)、GT740M(GK208)NVIDIA就发布了全新的GeForce 320.14 Beta测试版驱动,使命就是优化了《地铁:最后的曙光》(Metro: Last Light),使性能提升高达10%。64位下载:http://www.nvidia.cn/object/notebook-win8-win7-64bit-320.14-beta-driver-cn.html shadowhole 笔记本盲 13 前排...
Windows Server 2003 x64GeForce Game Ready DriverGeForce Game Ready Driver | 364.72 | Windows Server 2003 x64GeForce Game Ready Driver | 391.35 | Windows 10 64-bitGeForce Game Ready Driver | 364.51 | Windows Server 2003 x64GeForce Game Ready Driver | 362.00 | Windows Server 2003 x64GeForce ...
显卡驱动更新完重启电脑。以前我也有过这种情况,你测试的时候估计是用的集成显卡才造成了二三十帧的效果。用驱动人生更新一下其他的驱动,进N卡设置,让游戏用N卡运行,运行鲁大师的时候,点右键在运行图形处理器选项中选择N卡 你
I restored windows back to factory on a friends PC, it had an older Geforce GTX 750ti installed, I recently built a new PC and I had my old Radeon Rx 570 8gt so I was going to give it to him. I installed it but windows only sees it as a Microsoft basic display adapter. I ...
使用3DMark 游戏玩家的基准测试,来了解您的 PC 与NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M review在性能上的对比。 34.99 美元 从Steam 上购买 NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M review review is temporarily unavailable. Sorry for the inconvenience. 主页> 显卡> NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M review评估 ...
Make sure that you check nVidia's site for the most current Windows 10 driver as well. Please post your result so I can assist you. Please hit the Accept as Solution button if my post fully solves your issue or answers your question. John VellekJoin the Autodesk Customer Council - ...
Make sure that you check nVidia's site for the most current Windows 10 driver as well. Please post your result so I can assist you. Please hit the Accept as Solution button if my post fully solves your issue or answers your question. John VellekJoin the Autodesk Customer Council - ...
下载上图的385.12版beta驱动后(链接:https://cn.download.nvidia.com/Windows/385.12/385.12-desktop-win10-64bit-international.exe),双击打开,到下图的页面后点击取消即可: 385.12驱动安装页面 到C:\NVIDIA\DisplayDriver(驱动的默认解压目录),将385.12这个包含了驱动程序的目录拷贝到其他的盘,比如E盘的根目录,如下...