拉下实验(Pull-down)的缺点 1、两个非同一定位的蛋白可能因电荷或是强亲和力的原因造成假阳性,需用其他方法再次验证,例如Co-IP等;2、验证互作是在试管中进行的生化反应,不能够完全反映细胞内蛋白真实互作的状态;3、融合表达的GST标签,肽链较长,可能会改变原目的蛋白的原有的折叠结构。实验信息 实验过程中...
[2] Ren L, Chang E, Makky K, Haas AL, Kaboord B, Walid Qoronfleh M (November 2003). "Glutathione S-transferase pull-down assays using dehydrated immobilized glutathione resin". Analytical Biochemistry. 322 (2): 164–9.[3] Long F, Cho W, Ishii Y (September 2011). "Expression and...
Protein Interaction Networks:By conducting GST Pull-Down assays with multiple bait proteins, researchers can build protein interaction networks that provide insights into the functional relationships between different proteins within a biological system. Validation of Bioinformatics Predictions:When bioinformatics ...
GST Pull Down ServiceGST Pull-Down Assays ServiceMany proteins function in association with partner proteins or as components of large multiprotein complexes. Understanding these protein interactions is critical to our understanding of biological pathways and cellular function.The...
The GST pull-down assay is an intuitive and fast in vitro method for analyzing protein-protein or protein-ligand interactions and is comprised of a "bait" which is a GST-fused protein expressed in E. coli host or a baculovirus expression system and a "prey" which comprises putative binding...
[2] Ren L, Chang E, Makky K, Haas AL, Kaboord B, Walid Qoronfleh M (November 2003). "Glutathione S-transferase pull-down assays using dehydrated immobilized glutathione resin". Analytical Biochemistry. 322 (2): 164–9. [3] Long F, Cho W, Ishii Y (September 2011). "Expression and...
The following protocol provides general guidelines for GST pull-down assays using the MagneGST™ Pull-Down System and is based on methods we have developed using a MyoD/GST-Id protein pair. Optimization of protein- protein interaction and washing conditions may be required for each bait-prey ...
GST pull-down assays show other Lim-Homeodomain and POU-domain proteins interact with Pou4f2 and Isl1 respectively.Renzhong LiFuguo WuRaili RuonalaDarshan SapkotaZihua HuXiuqian Mu
【方法】采用 GST pull-down 技术筛选柑橘在溃疡病菌侵染过 程中 CsBZIP40 的互作蛋白.首先,构建带有 GST 标签的 CsBZIP40 蛋白融合表达载体,经 IPTG(异丙基硫代半乳 糖苷)诱导表达,纯化后获得 GST-CsBZIP40 融合蛋白作为诱饵蛋白;然后,将 GST-CsBZIP40 融合蛋白固定在谷 胱甘肽亲和磁珠上,用固定在亲和磁珠...
目的采用GST pull-down实验检测人P65和SMRT蛋白间是否存在相互作用.方法采用PCR扩增人P65基因全长CDS区和SMRT基因2312-2525aa对应的目的基因片段,酶切,测序鉴定正确后,分别连接至pET-32a和pGEX-6p-1原核表达载体上;然后将获得的原核表达质粒转化工程菌E.coli BL21,经IPIG诱导表达后,进行蛋白纯化;GST,GST-SMRT融合蛋...