github open-source gatsby gsoc collaborate hacktoberfest redoc student-vscode Updated Dec 2, 2024 JavaScript Google-Summer-of-Code-Archive / gsoc-proposals-archive Star 439 Code Issues Pull requests This repository contains Accepted proposals for various Google Summer of Code organizations throug...
Source Code can be found at GitHub/opencv and GitHub/opencv_contrib Developer meeting notes Mentor only list Contributor+Mentor Mailing List IRC Channel: #opencv on freenode Slack: OpenCV Project Ideas List: Mailing list to discuss: opencv-gsoc-2023 mailing list ...
GSoC Info: OpenWISP Born from the need of an open source solution formanaging public wifi hotspot networks. Aims to become the equivalent of what wordpress is forwebsites for network automation and network management (open, web based, ext...
四、结语 2017 年的 GSoC 已经在如火如荼的进行中了,今年错过了的小伙伴们不要遗憾,只要你们不是下个月就毕业离开校园了,GSoC 2018 便等着你们~ 离明年的 GSoC 申请开放还有半年多的时间,如果你觉得现在自己能力还稍显不足,那就趁着这段时间努力提高自己,逐渐尝试阅读一些 GitHub 上的开源项目,甚至参与其...
新加坡政府技术部 Open Government Products: 俄罗斯最大在线旅游平台 具体请了解 Casbin 官网: 如何参与 详见:
Google Summers of Codeare an excellent opportunity to learn working in many open source projects. But where to find mentors during the rest of the year? We recently moved the code ofCollabora Online to GitHub. You will find a growing community there, with easy hacks to get started. Community...
其实, 凡是跟兼容靠边的项目, 都很容易"制造"大量不兼容的bug :P mono, Wine, ReactOS, Haiku OS, LibreOffice/OpenOffice, mingw/mxe, gnash/lightspark, 这些都是跟兼容有关的项目, 只要google一下 XXX open source alternative, 可以发现兼容类开源项目还有很多, 这类项目非常需要志愿者去找bug报bug. 兼容性...
Google Summer of Code is an excellent opportunity to learn to work in many open-source projects. But where to find mentors during the rest of the year? We suggest you to take a look at the code of Collabora Online on GitHub and join thegrowing communitythere, witheasy hacksto get started...
incremental improvements to existing open source code or new pieces of software; everything is welcome! Please read the basics on you have any idea, open an issue or a PR at
-Should reflect your understanding of the technologies You can visit the GitHub profiles of the selected organizations for greater insight into their specific domains of work and how they go about them. Credits- Rishabh Ramola, Gaurang Sultania;Edited by- Yash Kuwade...