Today, open source software powers nearly every consumer experience, from open source operating systems like Linux, to web browsers like Chromium. Open source is often the most economically efficient solution for developing foundational technology: it enables companies to work together and pool resources...
OpenShell is an open source (LGPL) software library that helps users and software developers to work with the IFC file format. The IFC file format can be used to describe building and construction data. The format is commonly used for Building Information Modelling -Official website-GSOC ...
With this, tools like Xposed can do android native hook. 加壳&&脱壳 [1793星][8m] [C++] wrbug/dumpdex Android脱壳 [1465星][3m] [C++] vaibhavpandeyvpz/apkstudio Open-source, cross platform Qt based IDE for reverse-engineering Android application packages. [811星][4m] [C] strazzere/...
Error masking in a processor, like performance, depends on the software employed. For this reason, it is crucial that the set of programs employed during the estimation of the AVF is representative of the final application or is general enough to represent a wide spectrum of applications. Most...
These milestones were propelled by the advancements in new tools such as computational hardware (e.g. GPU computers), diversified observational data7, non-conventional environmental data obtained and powered by the development of open-source smart sensors94, experimental methods6, artificial intelligence...
130 Second, previous studies found that children can be a source of transmission during the viral incubation period. Some infected children may have an incubation period of more than 14 days. Indeed, it is difficult for investigators to collect information about the symptoms of very young children...
Although the main As source in the Loa River basin is geogenic, smelter emissions and mining wastes and the As-rich effluents from the water treatment plants also contribute to As contamination30. To address the problem of determining the relative contribution of contaminants to the Loa River...
Like all beta distributions, it is positive-bounded. As a separate calculation, we used CDC data on patient ages and numbers of COVID-19 deaths observed in early 2020 as the source of our mortality estimates and merged these data with sex-specific actuarial life tables published by the US ...
Allen Cell Explorer: a python-based, open-source toolkit that combines classic 3D image segmentation with artificial intelligence to detect cellular structures. Mitotic Cell Atlas: Provides a comprehensive and quantitative 4D model of the mitotic protein localization network in a dividing human cell. Mi...
2011.09 [securitythinkingcap] RAT Hacking Evidence fresh from the source 2011.09 [trendmicro] Online Storage—A Godsend for Sentimental Pack Rats (like me) 2011.09 [hackerhurricane] (W)(I) Your GM OnStar enabled car will rat you out starting Dec 2011 2011.08 [microsoft] Weekly Roundup : Aug...