GSGrade Scale(US federal government wage level) GSGyroscope GSGas Supplier GSGalvanized Steel GSGame Site GSGleichstrom(German: Direct Current) GSGeorge School(Pennsylvania) GSGundam Seed(anime) GSGet Smart(1960s TV show) GSGuidance System ...
Scale bar in inserts: 10 μm; scale bars in non-enlarged images: 50 μm. Contrast was adjusted for improved visualization. d, e Glucagon secretion studies carried out with perifused islets prepared from α-GsKO mice and control littermates. While treatment of control islets with 5 ...
Dinosaurs - The aerobic powerhouses & Super-pterosaurs, DinoFest III, Philadelphia, 1998. Those wonderful but sometimes wacky dinosaur models, why you should not always believe what you hold. DinoFest II, Tempe, 1996. Terramegathermy in the time of the titans: restoring the metabolics of co...