1.1. Köppen Scale Wladimir Köppen, a Russian-German scientist founder of modern climatology and meteorology, presented a first quantitative classification of world climates in 1900; Rudolf Geiger improved this world map in 1954 and 1961; thus the name Köppen-Geiger classification [7,8]. ...
The first semi-robotic flying, half scale ornithopter/pterosaur flown over Death Valley, CA in the IMAX film On the Wing. Displayed at the National Zoological Park Visitor Center (Wash. DC) 1988-2002. Now privately stored in the National Museum of Air and Space's Paul E. Garber ...
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410 yards indexing chain tensioner 1612018 1/ 2 inch X5/16 inch ATLANTA ANTRIEBSSYSTEME S130815047391Screw TGS-R-TR24X10P5-RH-00-2316-0-0-0 ALLTEC ANTRIEBSTECHNIK S130815047391Gimbal / 61G0650-099-00L-MIN. ALFRED HEYD GMBH S130815047387470 leveler VEXIER gimbal B425L6 = 850mm; pull = ...