看到越南小哥 的github 上的Evaluating Performance of REST vs. gRPC, 使用的是.NET Core 3.0 , 今天我把它升级到.NET Core 3.1 同样做了一个测试,文章的结果和他的博客文章是一样的:https://dev.to/thangchung/performance-benchmark-grpc-vs-rest-in-net-core-3-preview-8-45ak。 在8年前我写过一篇...
此外,平均响应时间比 REST-API 低 9.71 毫秒,比 AMQP-API 低 9.37 毫秒。 本文https://jiagoushi.pro/performance-comparison-rest-vs-grpc-vs-asynchronous-communication 讨论:知识星球【首席架构师圈】或者加微信小号【cea_csa_cto】或者加QQ群【792862318】 公众号 【jiagoushipro】 【超级架构师】 精彩图文详解...
看到越南小哥 的github 上的Evaluating Performance of REST vs. gRPC, 使用的是.NET Core 3.0 , 今天我把它升级到.NET Core 3.1 同样做了一个测试,文章的结果和他的博客文章是一样的。 在8年前我写过一篇文章:WCF和ASP.NET WebAPI在应用上的选择。 现在是2020年了,WCF换成了gRPC, ASP.NET Web API换成...
gRPC VS REST Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture style used to guide the design and development of the web architecture. REST also provides an API design method for managing and configuring network devices. The main differences between gRPC and REST are as follows: ...
The performance benefits and ease of development are just too good to pass up. However, REST APIs will still be around for a long time. It still excels for publicly exposed APIs and backward compatibility reasons. This post has been updated with contributions from Mary Okosun. By Gigi Sayfan...
Performance benchmark: gRPC vs. REST in .NET Core 3 Preview 8 张队的文章在此基础上升级到了.NET Core 3.1并进行了测试 .NET Core 3.1 的REST 和gRPC 性能测试 得出结论: 当接口返回的数据量比较小时候,REST 的性能要比gRPC要好,当数据量变大之后gRPC的性能优势就比较明显了。
cd RESTvsGRPC\RESTvsGRPC dotnet run -p RESTvsGRPC.csproj -c Release 1. 2. 1. 1. 等待完成测试后,我们将会得到类似下面的结果,具体的结果依赖于你的测试机器配置,我使用Win10 的Surface Book 2上面完成的下面的测试结果: 1. 1. 1. 当接口返回的数据量比较小时候,REST 的性能要比gRPC要好,当数据量...
REST APIとの比較gRPCは特にマイクロサービス間の通信技術として注目されています。しかし、gRPC以外の選択肢を考える場合、多くの開発者に馴染みのあるREST APIで実装することになるでしょう。では、REST APIと比較した場合のgRPCの具体的な利点とは何なのでしょうか?gRPCがマイクロサービス間...
connection help with the latency of an individual request. The highly parallel and reactive nature of many gRPC implementations often results in better throughput performance relative to similar implementations in REST, so overall, in the event of high volumes of transactions, gRPC outperforms REST. ...
Many standard technologies address the interservice communication needs of distributed systems, such as REST, SOAP, GraphQL, or gRPC. While REST is a favored approach, gRPC is a worthy contender, offering high performance, typed contracts, and excellent tooling. ...