13 INTERNAL: Received RST_STREAM with error code 2 Wasn't getting this error in case of insecure channel/no authentication. Furthermore, can't find any error on the server side. Reproduction steps Will try to include a repo soon.
Error description I have agrpc-jsclient that communicates with via anistioservice mesh to a service implemented using thegrpc-gobackend. The client observes an error: error_message_string: 13 INTERNAL: Received RST_STREAM with code 0 (Call ended without gRPC status) Upon inspection, I see that...
ServerCallContext context){returnTask.FromResult(newResponseEcho{Message=$"Validator is Running: {DateTime.Now:dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm}"});}publicoverride Task<ResponseCheckTx>CheckTx(RequestCheckTx request,ServerCallContext context){var(code,_)=Validate(request.Tx);returnTask.FromResult(newResponseCheckTx...
syntax = "proto3"; option csharp_namespace = "Apricot.Grpc"; package garner; // google empty.proto import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; // garner list response message GetGarnerListResponse{ int32 code = 1; string message = 2; bool success = 3; int32 total = 4; repeated GetGarner...
grpc 发送rst_stream 然后socket close了 gRPC 这项技术真是太棒了,接口约束严格,性能还高,在 k8s 和很多微服务框架中都有应用。 作为一名程序员,学就对了。 之前用 Python 写过一些 gRPC 服务,现在准备用 Go 来感受一下原汁原味的 gRPC 程序开发。
debug_error_string="{"created":"@1546759917.268606000","description":"Errorreceivedfrompeer","file":"src/core/lib/surface/call.cc","file_line":1017,"grpc_message":"ReceivedRST_STREAMwitherrorcode2","grpc_status":13}" > 1. 2. 3.
log(`request_error: ${nodeUtil.inspect(e)}`); response.statusCode = 502; response.end('ike httpToGrpc proxy error'); } } 3.2、封装NodeGrpc核心类库 核心部分,代码比较长,注释写的比较详细,简单介绍一下处理流程,读过上文《http请求dubbo服务的最终解决方案》的话,应该对如下流程十分清楚了: 创建...
INTERNAL: Received RST_STREAM with code 2 triggered by internal client error: Protocol error ...
http code: 200 { "stat": 10000, "msg" : "失败了", "data": {} } 我们通过上面返回值看到, grpc 与 http 在错误判断上的不同, grpc是通过 error 判断, 而 http 是基于 body 体返回值做的判断, 而我们返回值 body 是使用pb管理, 对于grpc来说 错误是通过error来管理的, 这样就带来了无法共用的...