Still getting the same error: Error: 13 INTERNAL: Received RST_STREAM with code 2 (Internal server error) Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link Member murgatroid99commentedApr 14, 2021 Unfortunately, that message means that that is all of the information the client has about the error. It...
D 2022-05-25T09:19:37.476Z | call_stream | [14] ended with status: code=13 details="Received RST_STREAM with code 2 triggered by internal client error: Protocol error" I didn't think the contents of the.env-file was deployed while I was deploying, but turns out firebase takes the ...
Flags 帧标志,1 个字节(8bit),没有特定帧类型的帧标志应该被忽略,在发送时帧标志需要保持未设置(0x0).常见的标志位有 END_HEADERS 表示 HTTP/2 数据头结束,相当于 HTTP 头后的空行(“\r\n”),END_STREAM 表示单方向数据发送结束(即 EOS,End of Stream),相当于 HTTP/1.x 里 Chunked 分块结束标志(“...
grpc_middleware.ChainStreamServer( grpc_validator.StreamServerInterceptor(), ), ), ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 启动程序之后,我们再用之前的客户端代码来请求,会收到报错: 2021/10/11 18:32:59 rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = invalid field Name: value 'zhan...
syntax = "proto3"; option csharp_namespace = "Apricot.Grpc"; package garner; // google empty.proto import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; // garner list response message GetGarnerListResponse{ int32 code = 1; string message = 2; bool success = 3; int32 total = 4; repeated GetGarner...
我在我的一个项目中需要Tendermint,但以前从未使用过它,所以我首先尝试实现一个非常简单的示例:,但在C#(.NET 5.0)中。 (下载:极小例子) 我创建了一个简单的GRPC服务,试图尽可能地遵循指南:
nil, error:[stat:code.Unknown, msg:"失败了"] http 返回值 由于pb文件通常不会再记录 服务异常状态, 格式如下: http 200 { "name" : "小明", "age" : 12 } http 500 { "code": 500, "message": "service error" "reason" : "ERROR_REASON", ...
http code: 200 { "stat": 10000, "msg" : "失败了", "data": {} } 我们通过上面返回值看到, grpc 与 http 在错误判断上的不同, grpc是通过 error 判断, 而 http 是基于 body 体返回值做的判断, 而我们返回值 body 是使用pb管理, 对于grpc来说 错误是通过error来管理的, 这样就带来了无法共用的...
INTERNAL: Received RST_STREAM with code 2 triggered by internal client error: Protocol error ...
"INTERNAL: RST_STREAM closed stream. HTTP/2 error code: INTERNAL_ERROR" upon gRPC stream comuunication Questions daml, damlhub liav February 26, 2022, 4:03pm 1 Hi, After pingPongReactive managed to run against a real Ledger (thanks to @cocreature help on this fork) ...