from Java to a Python service. Recently I started getting larger messages that sometimes exceed the maximum message size for gRPC. Increasing that size is not possible for me due to lack of resources and timeouts, so I had to implement a chunking mechanism in order to split the large ...
publicTaskGrpcLargeDownload()=> _client.DownloadLargeMessageAsync(newEmptyMessage); HTTP/3 支持 .NET 上的 gRPC 现在支持 HTTP/3, 其中在 .NET 6 的 ASP.NET Core 和 HttpClient, 有关更多信息,请参阅 .NET 6 中的 HTTP/3 支持。 .NET 是第一个支持端到端 HTTP/3 的 gRPC 实现,我们已经为其他...
public Task GrpcLargeDownload() => _client.DownloadLargeMessageAsync(new EmptyMessage()); MethodRuntimeMeanRatio HTTP/3 支持 .NET 上的 gRPC 现在支持 HTTP/3, 其中在 .NET 6 的ASP.NETCore 和 HttpClient, 有关更多信息,请参阅.NET 6 中的 HTTP/3 支持。 .NET 是第一个支持端到端 HTTP/3 的 ...
ProcessTaskOverNetwork failed to query data from another server in the cluster, as the result set is too big. rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = grpc: trying to send message larger than max (6945649 vs. 4194304); Error while call...
publicTaskGrpcLargeDownload()=> _client.DownloadLargeMessageAsync(newEmptyMessage()); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. HTTP/3 支持 NET 上的 gRPC 现在支持 HTTP/3。gRPC 建立在 .NET 6 中添加到 ASP.NET Core 和 HttpClient 的 HTTP/3 支持之上。有关更多信息,请参阅.NET 6 中的 HTTP/3支...
rpcCardList(cardListReq)returns(cardListRsp){}}# 流请求结构messageStreamReqData{stringdata=1;}# 流返回结构messageStreamResData{stringdata=1;}# 定义请求结构体messagecardListReq{map<string,string>extra=1;stringorderid=2;stringgen_id=3;int64curpage=4;int64pagesize=5;}# 定义返回结构体message...
; private DownloadClient _client = new DownloadClient(_channel); [Benchmark] public Task GrpcLargeDownload() => _client.DownloadLargeMessageAsync(new EmptyMessage()); MethodRuntimeMeanRatio GrpcLargeDownload .NET 5.0 6.33 s 1.00 GrpcLargeDownload .NET 6.0 1.65 s 0.26 HTTP/3 support gRPC on ...
("Unable to create temporary file",e);}// Large folder processing, solve CreateProcess error=206final ImmutableSet<String>protoFilePaths=scanProtoFiles(discoveryRoot);ImmutableList<String>protocArgs=null;if(protoFilePaths.size()>largeFolderLimit){try{File argumentsFile=createFileWithArguments(proto...
String.format("message too large %d > %d", written , maxOutboundMessageSize)) .asRuntimeException(); } writeBufferChain(bufferChain, false); return written; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ...
方法名:maxInboundMessageSize ManagedChannelBuilder.maxInboundMessageSize介绍 [英]Sets the maximum message size allowed to be received on the channel. If not called, defaults to 4 MiB. The default provides protection to clients who haven't considered the possibility of receiving large messages while...