1) "growth pole" theory "增长极"理论 1. The"growth pole" theoryis one of the representative theories about contemporary development of regional economies. "增长极"理论是当代区域经济发展的代表性理论之一。 2) growth pole theory 增长极理论 ...
growth poleNew Growth Theories, Growth Poles and Regional DevelopmentConcluding Remarks Introduction Theories of Unbalanced Regional Development: An Overview Comparison of Central Place and Core-Periphery AnalysisCentral place theoryCore-periphery model Central place theory Core-periphery model Growth Pole ...
Monsted, Mette (1974): Francois Perroux's Theory of "Growth Pole" and "Development Pole". A Critique, Antipole 6, Issue 2; 106-113, July, 1974.Monsted, Mette (1974), Francois Perroux's Theory of "Growth Pole" and "Development Pole": A Critique, Antipode, vol. 6, Issue 2: 106-...
(1)Thecoreideaofthegrowthpolestheoryisthateconomicdevelopment,orgrowth,isnotuniformoveranentireregion,butinsteadtakesplacearoundaspecificpole.Thispoleisoftencharacterizedbyakeyindustryaroundwhichlinkedindustriesdevelop,mainlythroughdirectandindirecteffects.Theexpansionofthiskeyindustryimpliesthe expansionofoutput,employment...
growth pole 英[ɡrəuθ pəul]美[ɡroθ pol] 释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 增长点; 双语例句 全部 1. In general , economic structural adjustment is a process f growth pole exploration. 经济结构调整过程就是寻找和培育经济增长点的过程. 来自互联网 2. The theory of growth - pole is an impor...
According to the growth pole theory, the development of a regional open economy can not be synchronized at the same time. 根据增长极理论,一个区域开放型经济的发展不可能是同时同步的,应该以先发展带动后发展。 www.zidir.com 5. Logistics Network; Logistics Park; Growth Pole Theory; Uncertainty Theor...
1)growth pole theory增长极理论 1.Based upon Francois Perroux sgrowth pole theorythe roles of central cities in Chinese city group acted in promoting the development of regional economy are analyzed.以佩鲁的增长极理论为基础,分析了中国城市群中心城市对区域经济的推动作用,针对我国城市群的发展现状和存在...
1) growth pole theory 增长极理论 1. Based upon Francois Perroux sgrowth pole theorythe roles of central cities in Chinese city group acted in promoting the development of regional economy are analyzed. 以佩鲁的增长极理论为基础,分析了中国城市群中心城市对区域经济的推动作用,针对我国城市群的发展现状...
1)growth pole增长极 1.On the growth pole theory and its application in the regional economy development of our country;透视增长极理论及在我国区域经济发展中的应用 2.Constructing "Big Xi an" growth pole to promote the Shaanxi economy;构建大西安增长极促进陕西经济发展 3.On influencing mechanism of...
DevelopmentModeofMid-smallCitiesinNorthernJiangsuontheBasisofGrowthPoleTheory HEWei 江苏省2010年高校哲学社会科学基金项目“苏北中小城市 发展模式与战略研究2010SJD790005”。 何伟(1963-)男,江苏沭阳人,副教授,博士后,从事区域 经济和城市发展研究。 2011-08-25 20203 @@[1]周睿超.中小城市在增长极战略中的作用...