1) "growth pole" theory "增长极"理论 1. The"growth pole" theoryis one of the representative theories about contemporary development of regional economies. "增长极"理论是当代区域经济发展的代表性理论之一。 2) growth pole theory 增长极理论 ...
1. 增长极理论 【摘要】 增长极理论(Growth-Pole Theory)是20 世纪50 年代西方发展经济学家提出的就一国经济发展应遵循平衡增长战略 …www.qikan.com.cn|基于3个网页 例句 释义: 全部,增长极理论 更多例句筛选 1. The fifth chapter: uses the economic growth pole theory to elaborate HongQiao district econo...
Monsted, Mette (1974): Francois Perroux's Theory of "Growth Pole" and "Development Pole". A Critique, Antipole 6, Issue 2; 106-113, July, 1974.Monsted, Mette (1974), Francois Perroux's Theory of "Growth Pole" and "Development Pole": A Critique, Antipode, vol. 6, Issue 2: 106-...
Nagoya, Japan: United Nations Centre for Regional Development.fL4Fu-Chen, L. y Kamal, S. (1978), "Growth poles and regional policy in open dualistic economies: western theory and Asian reality", en Fu-Chen L. y K. Salih (eds.), Growth pole strategy and regional development policy: ...
growth-pole-theoryPPT课件 GrowthPoletheory - 1 1.FrançoisPerroux(1903–1987)wasaFrencheconomist.InthefieldofRegionalEconomics,oneofhismaincontribution'swastheconceptofpolesdecroissanceor'growthpoles'.ItimpliedthatGovernmentpoliciesaimedatthe regenerationofaspecificlocalregionwerecritically dependantupontheInput-...
developmentsocioculturalimpactresidentperceptiontrickle-outimpactClick to increase image sizeClick to decrease image sizeKEYWORDS: Growth-Pole Theory, tourism development, sociocultural impact, resident perception, trickle-out impact,SeDepartment...
1)growth pole theory增长极理论 1.Based upon Francois Perroux sgrowth pole theorythe roles of central cities in Chinese city group acted in promoting the development of regional economy are analyzed.以佩鲁的增长极理论为基础,分析了中国城市群中心城市对区域经济的推动作用,针对我国城市群的发展现状和存在...
M., and J. Merrifield, 1987, Quasi-experimental control group methods for regional analysis: An application to an energy boomtown and growth pole theory, Economic Geography 63, 3-19.Isserman, A. M., and J. D. Merrifield. 1987. Quasi-experimental control group methods for regional analysis:...
3) new economic growth theory 新经济增长理论 1. The New Economic Growth Theory and its Revelations on China’s Economic Growth; 新经济增长理论对中国经济发展的启示 2. On the Evaluation and Inspiration of the New Economic Growth Theory; 新经济增长理论评析与启示 3. Studies on the New ...
Final organ size and shape result from volume expansion by growth and shape changes by contractility. Complex morphologies can also arise from differences in growth rate between tissues. We address here how differential growth guides the morphogenesis of