growth-pole-theory GrowthPoletheory 1 1.FrançoisPerroux(1903–1987)wasaFrencheconomist.InthefieldofRegionalEconomics,oneofhismaincontribution'swastheconceptofpolesdecroissanceor'growthpoles'.ItimpliedthatGovernmentpoliciesaimedattheregenerationofaspecificlocalregionwerecriticallydependantupontheInput-Outputlinkages...
growth-pole-theoryppt课件 系统标签: growthpoletheorypptpolesperrouxlinkages -1GrowthPoletheory-21.FrançoisPerroux(1903–1987)wasaFrencheconomist.InthefieldofRegionalEconomics,oneofhismaincontribution'swastheconceptofpolesdecroissanceor'growthpoles'.ItimpliedthatGovernmentpoliciesaimedattheregenerationofaspecific...
Monsted, Mette (1974): Francois Perroux's Theory of "Growth Pole" and "Development Pole". A Critique, Antipole 6, Issue 2; 106-113, July, 1974.Monsted, Mette (1974), Francois Perroux's Theory of "Growth Pole" and "Development Pole": A Critique, Antipode, vol. 6, Issue 2: 106-...
Polenske,KR,Higgins,B,Savoie,DJ.Growth pole theory and strategy reconsidered: domination, linkages, and distribution. Regional economic development: essays in honor of Francois Perroux . 1988Perroux, F. 1988 Growth Pole Theory and Strategy Reconsidered: Domination, Linkages and Distribution. Economic ...
An Analysis on the Theory of Development Poles in Building Up Leading Corporations in Agricultural Industrialization农业产业化龙头企业建设——一个发展极理... The theory of development poles is put forward by Francois Perroux and perfected by him and his followers.The theory aims at analyzing and ...
growth pole theory增长极理论 1.Based upon Francois Perroux s growth pole theory the roles of central cities in Chinese city group acted in promoting the development of regional economy are analyzed.以佩鲁的增长极理论为基础,分析了中国城市群中心城市对区域经济的推动作用,针对我国城市群的发展现状和存在...
___ put forward the growth pole theory. A、Keynes B、Hoover C、Perroux D、Krugman 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 判断题 计算机病毒只能破坏计算机软件。 点击查看答案 点击查看答案 判断题 通常说来,春观花、夏戏水、秋望月、冬赏雪是导游员在各个季节引导游客最主要的审美焦点所在。
1.This paper is founded on the theory of growth pole announced by Fransois Perroux, and builts up the theory of industry growth pole, whose purpose is to analyze the character and trend of the industry development in seaports; analyzes the differenc.论文结合法国经济学家费朗索瓦·佩鲁提出的增长...
development economists have paid close attention to the theoretical study of the relationship between unbalanced development and economic growth, using growth pole theory, cumulative and circular causality theory, and regional economic growth propagation theory (Hirschman, 1958, Myrdal, 1957, Perroux, 1950...