土耳其欧亚国际农业展览会(Growtech Antalya)是全球最大的农业展览会之一,中东地区农用化学品和植保旗舰展,辐射欧洲、亚洲、非洲等25个周边国家。在即将举办的2024年展会中,共有来自30多个国家和地区655家全球相关企业参加该展,中国、德国、法国、...
GROWTECH. ANTALYA, as the world's largest exhibition dedicated to greenhouse technologies, not only gathers global attendees and prominent companies specializing in categories such as Greenhouse Technologies and Equipment, Irrigation Systems and Technologies, Seed Development and Growing, Seedling Cultivation,...
With the official mobile app of GROWTECH. ANTALYA, access the exhibitor list, set meetings, discover events and see the floor plan! Version History 25 Nov 2024 Version 4.52.16 Bug fixes and general enhancements. App Privacy The developer,Informa Markets Limited., indicated that the app’s priva...
With the official mobile app of GROWTECH. ANTALYA, access the exhibitor list, set meetings, discover events and see the floor plan! Version History 25 Nov 2024 Version 4.52.16 Bug fixes and general enhancements. App Privacy The developer,Informa Markets Limited., indicated that the app’s priva...
2024年,全球最大的温室展GROWTECH ANTALYA汇集了来自125个国家的49409名专业国际农业从业人士,来自26个国家的572家参展商。98%的参展商表示下一届将会继续参加该展会。 三、展会特色与亮点 国际性强:吸引了来自全球多个国家和地区的参展商和观众,为国际农业技术交流与合作提供了重要平台 ...
Growtech —всемирнопризнаннаякрупнейшаявыставкатепличнойпромышленности, котораяпроводитсяежегодновАнталье, Турция. Ведущиекомпанииизразличны...
2023年,全球最大的温室展 GROWTECH ANTALYA 汇集了来自125个国家的49409名专业国际农业从业人士,来自26个国家的572家参展商。2024年,英富曼展览集团把Growtech品牌农业展移师至印尼雅加达,将为参展商提供展示其服务和产品技术的绝佳机会,广泛的...
An aerial photo of the Antalya Province, located in the south west of Turkey, shows greenhouses as far as you can see; smaller and bigger, low-tech and high-tech greenhouses, growing tomatoes, peppers, flowers like carnations, and exotic products like bananas and dragon fruit. It is no ...
An aerial photo of the Antalya Province, located in the south west of Turkey, shows greenhouses as far as you can see; smaller and bigger, low-tech and high-tech greenhouses, growing tomatoes, peppers, flowers like carnations, and exotic products like bananas and dragon fruit. It is no ...
土耳其温室农业展-土耳其畜牧机械展 GrowTech Eurasia 举办地区:土耳其 展会日期:2025年11月19日-2025年11月22日 开闭馆时间:09:00-18:00 举办地址:Pinarli Beldesi 07110 Aksu - Antalya Turkey 展览面积:45000 观众数量:53000 举办周期:1年1届 主办单位:英富曼集团...