China Aims to Grow Tech-Savvy Workforce With New Vocational Training - Subjects like 5G, big data and cloud computing feature among 1,349 majors being offered by technical colleges
English name, registration number, business registration number, company status, change history, establishment date, name change date of Grow Tech Energy Limited. The company's status is listed as 'Dissolved' now.
Growcol-Tech Power, founded in 2014, is committed to providing high quality solar power for global customers covering residential, industrial & commercial, agricultural and utilities. Growcol-Tech is advancing the core technologies of power conversion and energy storage with dedication. With global pla...
Hexo 博客建议安装hexo-readmore (opens new window)插件,将TechGrow (opens new window)的免费微信公众号引流工具整合到博客中,用户扫码关注微信公众号后可以解锁全站文章,让微信公众号的粉丝数躺着增长。 #特色功能 兼容主流的 Hexo 主题 支持随机为博客添加引流功能 ...
Grow 商业智能分析软件 Grow 获得 1100 万美元 A 轮融资,解决中小企业数据分析痛点 美国商业智能分析软件公司 Grow 近日宣布获得 1100 万美元 A 轮融资,领投方是 Toba Capital。本轮融资过后,Toba Capital 创始人、亿万富翁 Vinny Smith 将加入 Grow 公司董事会。 Grow 公司成立于 2014 年,总部设在犹他州,...
Control the GROWSPEC’s T-CEA Cultivation System via smartphone. TechGrower™ integrates devices, sensors, and solenoid valves for seamless crop cultivation. Mana…
Techgrow Software transformed our vision into reality with a seamless web solution. Their team is highly skilled, responsive, and professional. Highly recommended! John D CEO We needed a mobile app for our healthcare platform, and Techgrow delivered beyond expectations. The app is user-friendly,...
From single varieties to hybrids, the company combined traditional breeding methods and high-tech solutions to cultivate a group of high-quality pumpkin and zucchini seeds, which were introduced to overseas markets. In a biological breeding research center in Taigu, a seed selection center, experiment...