Power BI中DAX函数非常多,功能非常强大,下面结合一些实际场景来讲解DAX一些常用的函数,这些场景包含求和...
Power BI Επισκόπηση Προϊόντα Τιμολόγηση Λύσεις Συνεργάτες Περισσότερα Αναζήτηση Σύνδεση Δωρεάν δοκιμή Αγοράστετώρα Ιστολόγι...
When you create visuals, Power BI Desktop aggregates your data into groups, based on the values that it finds in the underlying data. You can refine how those default groups are presented. You can also create new groups by grouping two or more data points in a visual or putting values in...
POST https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups?workspaceV2={workspaceV2} URI 参数 展开表 名称在必需类型说明 workspaceV2 query boolean (预览功能) 是否创建工作区。 唯一支持的值为 true。 请求正文 展开表 名称必需类型说明 name True string 新创建的组的名称 响应 展开表 名称类型说明 200...
capacityId = default, string description = default, string type = default, string state = default, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.Models.GroupUser> users = default, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.Models.Report> reports = default, System.Collections....
目前,Power BI 为作为内联 DAX 计算编写的隐式度量值生成 DAX-这意味着隐式度量值不能与计算组一起使用。已在表格对象模型(TOM)中看到一个新的模型属性, DiscourageImplicitMeasures。目前,若要创建计算组,必须将此属性设置为true。如果设置为 true,则在 "实时连接" 模式下 Power BI Desktop 将禁用隐式度量值...
Today we’re releasing the October Power BI Desktop update, which is filled with several exciting new features! We’ve added several new reporting features, including the much asked for date slicer and snap to grid. We also are releasing several new analytical features including grouping and a ...
GET https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/{groupId}/datasets/{datasetId}/users URI Parameters NameInRequiredTypeDescription datasetId pathTrue string The dataset ID groupId pathTrue string uuid The workspace ID Responses NameTypeDescription ...
接下来就讲一讲,用Power BI中summarizecolumns函数、sum函数实现SQLServer中的groupby分组汇总。 这里要实现 按照产品编码、产品名称分组,对 数量 和 金额汇总。1、sql实现方式 两表关联+groupby分组+ sum求和。 代码如下: 2、power bi中的实现方式 点击 建模 ---》 新表---》输入代码,然后再依次 点击 ...
The example expression builds a string that uses the Level function to increase the size of the padding based on recursion level. For example, a row that has a level of 1 would result in a padding of (2 + (1*10))=12pt, and a row that has a level of 3 would result in a ...